Submit An Obituary
Funeral Homes Listings
Private Party Listings
- Tuesday-Friday publications, your notice must be submitted by 12 p.m. the day before.
- For the Saturday Weekend edition, your notice must be submitted by 12p.m. Friday.
- Please note we may have earlier deadlines during the holidays. If we are closed we will process your request the next business day.
- Our staff is available by phone at 425-339-3023 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pricing and Payment
- Obituary packages start at $99 and Include first 10 lines of text. Pricing is $2.99 per additional line. Approximately 24-26 characters fit on each line, a price quote will be provided to you after the obituary is submitted. Up to 3 photos may be added for an additional $50 each black and white photo or $75 for each full color photo. All prices are per day.
- There is a $30.00 memoriams fee and a 5% credit card processing fee that will be added at checkout.
- We accept VISA, Master Card or American Express. All notices are subject to approval by The Herald before publication. We accept notices from funeral homes, family members or friends of the deceased. We reserve the right to edit, revise, reject or cancel a notice at any time.
Please note. Your obituary notice will wrap when necessary to accommodate fixed width newspaper columns. The box below does not represent the exact width of the newspaper column and is only for text entry purposes.
To read submitted obituaries, please visit
Do you have questions about how to write an obituary? Visit this guide to writing an obituary
For more
information please contact The Herald (Everett) by phone at 425-339-3023, email to
or fax to 425-339-3438.