‘Consumer Taste from Cute to Cool,” a new show featuring the humorous, ironic work of Edmonds artist Rachel Van Citters, is being hosted by Gallery North through Dec. 6 at the gallery’s new downtown Edmonds address: 508 Main St.
A reception for the artist will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday during the monthly ArtsWalk. Information: 425-775-0946.
The show began as a comment on shopping experiences the artist has known. For example, in the oil painting “Cool Mart,” hipsters sift through kitschy bargains in a flea market environment.
This is a setting the artist knows all too well: “I spend way too much time scrounging bargains from thrift stores and dragging stuff home most people wouldn’t be caught dead with,” Van Citters said.
Another painting, “Quaint Mart” is set in an antique mall. Here the characters are a demented Bo Peep enjoying cocoa and cookies while her fallen flock misbehave. There’s a painting about a famous discount store and also a peek inside a woman’s handbag at her cosmetic purchases. Other comments on consumerism include “The Night Nursery” series where a pair of children accumulate “strange, wonderful objects and ideas.”
Van Citter’s works are a result of a lifetime of drawing and painting. Moving away from realism, she began producing these “fractured fairy tales” when she and her husband both found themselves laid off from their jobs in 2001. “My paintings confront the world as I find it – often with humor in the face of disaster,” she said. “This tragi-comedic format allows me to transcend overwhelming feelings and events.”
Painting with rich blocks of color and texture, she directs the viewer into the intense gaze of her trademark childlike allegorical figures she calls “Woojzees,” a tribute to the colorful, imaginative stories her Dutch grandfather used to tell.
The artist and her husband moved to Edmonds from the Dallas area in 2002. She can be contacted at www.rachelvancitters.com.
Oil paintings: The Edmonds Arts Commission presents an exhibit of oil paintings by Tammy Zlotnik through Nov. 30 at the Edmonds Public Library.
Zlotnik’s large-scale abstract oil paintings are influenced by her work as an art therapist in the mental health field where she works with street residents and at-risk youth. Her studio looks out over graffiti-laden train cars as well as Puget Sound.
The exhibit may be viewed during library hours, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, at 650 Main St., Edmonds. 425-771-0228.
“Exposed’: Shoreline Community College Photo Forum presents a photo exhibit through Jan. 4 at the Shoreline Community College Gallery in the Administration Building, 16101 Greenwood Ave. N., Seattle. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; 206-546-4101, ext. 4433.
Held over: The Grant Saylor, Austin Dwyer exhibit now showing at the Point Elliott Art Center Gallery, 724 First St., Mukilteo, is being held over. A final viewing opportunity will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Nov. 20, with both artists present and refreshments served. Admission free; 425-308-5503.
Mixed-media prints: Mixed-media artworks that include printed elements and altered prints are the focus of “Seattle Print Arts: Mixed-Media Print Exhibition,” an invitation exhibition through Dec. 11 at Seattle Art Museum’s Rental-Sales Gallery, 1220 Third Ave., Seattle; 206-343-1101.
“Everyday Icons”: An exhibit of Max Grover’s works, entitled “Everyday Icons” continues through Nov. 28 at Fountainhead Gallery, 625 W. McGraw St., Seattle; 206-285-4467; www.fountainheadgallery.com.
Miniatures: The 14th annual Invitational Miniature Show featuring smaller works by more than 100 artists is this weekend at Howard/Mandville Gallery in Kirkland.
The preview continues from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. The reception and sale is from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the gallery at 120 Park Lane, Suite D, Kirkland.
All works will be offered for sale by luck of the draw, with the purchasers’ draw at 7 p.m. Saturday. Intent to purchase forms available during preview; need not be present at time of draw. Remaining works sold on a first-come basis through Nov. 30.
Information: 425-889-8212, 800-544-4712; www.howardmandville.com.
“Cool Mart,” Rachel Van Citters.
Oil on canvas by Tammy Zlotnik, at Edmonds Library.
“Nudie Cohn, the Original Rodeo Tailor” by Kiki Bridges, at Shoreline Community College.
“Orange Boat Reflection,” by Jonelle Johnson, at Seattle Art Museum Rental-Sales Gallery.
“Red Rover,” by Max Grover, at Fountainhead Gallery.
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