Snohomish County
Alderwood, Lynnwood 425-776-3535
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (12:15-1-1:30-3:15-4-4:30) 6:15-7-7:30-9:15-9:50-10:20
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3D (PG) (11:40-2-4:15) 6:45-9
High Tension (R) (12-2:20-4:50) 7:10-9:30
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (11:30-11:50-2:10-2:30-4:40-5:10) 7:20-7:50-10-10:30
Edmonds Theater 425-778-4554
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) 4-7-10
Everett 9 425-290-5596
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (12:30-1-3:20-4) 6:30-7:10-9:30-10
Cinderella Man (PG-13) (12:20-3:30) 6:40-9:45
The Honeymooners (PG-13) (12:10-2:20-4:40) 6:50-9:20
Lords of Dogtown (PG-13) (11:50-2:10-4:50) 7:20-9:50
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (11:40-2:30-5:10) 7:50-10:20
Madagascar (PG) (12:50-2:50-5) 7:30-9:40
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (12-2:40-5:20) 7:40-10:15
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (12:40-3:50) 7-10:05
Everett Mall 3 425-353-1129
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3D (PG) (11-1:45-4:30) 7-9:30
High Tension (R) (11:30-2:15-5) 7:30-10
Kicking &Screaming (PG) (11:15-2-4:45)
Monster-in-Law (PG-13) 7:15-9:45
Grand, Lynnwood 425-774-3536
Kicking &Screaming (PG) 4:40-7:05-9:15
Unleashed (R) 5-7:15-9:30
Kingdom of Heaven (R) 5:20-8:20
The Interpreter (PG-13) 4-6:30-9:10
Kung Fu Hustle (R) 5:10-7:10-9:20
Sahara (PG-13) 4:10-6:40-9:25
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (PG-13) 4:20-6:50-9:10
Hitch (PG-13) 4:30-7-9:25
Loews at Alderwood 425-921-2980
Howl’s Moving Castle (PG) (11-1:50) 5-7:50-10:50
The Honeymooners (PG-13) (11:40-2-4:20) 7:20-9:40
Cinderella Man (PG-13) (11:10-12:10-1:10-2:30-3:30-4:40) 5:50-7-8-9:20-10:20
Lords of Dogtown (PG-13) (12-1-2:40) 5:30-8:25-11
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (11:20-12:20-2:20-3:20) 5:10-6:20-8:20-9:20-11:10
Madagascar (PG) (11-11:50-12:40-1:20-2:10-3-3:40-4:30) 5:20-6-6:50-7:40-8:40-9:10-10-11
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (11:30-12:30-1:30-2:50-3:50-4:50) 6:10-7:10-8:10-9:30-10:30
Monster-in-Law (PG-13) (4) 6:40-9:15
Crash (R) (11:05-1:40-4:10) 7:30-10:10
Marysville 360-659-1009
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3D (PG) (12-2:25-5) 7:30-9:45
High Tension (R) (1:50-4:15) 7:50-10
The Honeymooners (PG-13) (12:40-4:20) 6:50-9:40
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (1-1:30-4:10-4:35) 7:10-7:40-10:10-10:40
Cinderella Man (PG-13) (12:05-12:30-3:30-3:55) 6:40-7:25-9:50-10:30
Lords of Dogtown (PG-13) (2-4:55) 7:55-10:35
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (1:10-4) 6:45-9:35
Madagascar (PG) (11:45-2:10-4:45) 7:15-9:30/(12:10-2:35-5:10)
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (1:40-4:30) 7:20-10:15/7:45-10:45
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (12:20-1:20-3:45-4:40) 7-8-10:20
Mountlake 425-744-1112
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (PG) (11:30-2:10-4:30) 7:20-9:45
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (1-4) 7:10-10:05
Cinderella Man (PG-13) (12:30-3:40) 6:50-9:55
Lords of Dogtown (PG-13) (12:50-4:10) 6:40-9:50
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (11:50-2:30-5:10) 7:50-10:20
Madagascar (PG) (12:40-3-5:20) 7:30-9:40
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (11:40-2:20-5) 7:40-10:10
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (12:20-3:50) 6:30-7-9:30-10
Monster-in-Law (PG-13) (12:10-3:20)
Puget Park Drive-In, Everett 425-338-5957
Madagascar (PG) w/ The Longest Yard (PG-13)
Stanwood 360-629-0514
The Longest Yard (PG-13) 12:50-3:50-6:55-9:15
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) 12:40-3:35-6:30-9:20
Madagascar (PG) 12:30-2:20-4:20-6:40-8:40
Cinderella Man (PG-13) 12:45-6:35
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) 1-3:55-6:45-9:15
King County
Cinerama, Seattle 206-441-3080
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) 11:30-3:15-7-10:45
Crest , Shoreline 206-781-5755
Sin City (R) 7:15-9:45
Schultze Gets the Blues (PG) 7:20-9:40
Millions (PG) 7-9:20
Look At Me (PG-13) 9:15
The Upside of Anger (R) 6:45
Guild 45th, Seattle 206-781-5755
Cinderella Man (12:30-3:45) 7-10:10
Crash (R) (4:40) 7:20-9:50
Harvard Exit, Seattle 206-781-5755
Saving Face (R) (2:20-4:40) 7-9:15
Meridian, Seattle 206-223-9600
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (12-12:40-2-2:50-3:30-4:10-4:50-5:40) 6:20-6:50-7:40-8:30-9:10-9:35-10:30
High Tension (R) (11:50-2:25-4:55) 7:25-9:50
The Honeymooners (PG-13) (12:30-3-5:15) 7:30-10
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (PG) (11:55-2:20-4:40) 7:10-9:25
Cinderella Man (PG-13) (11:30-12:10-12:50-2:40-3:15-4-5:50) 6:30-7-8:20-9-9:40-10:10
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (12:15-1:20-3:05-4:20) 6:10-8:50
Madagascar (PG) (11:40-12:20-1-1:50-2:40-3:20-5-5:35) 7:20-8-9:30-10:20
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (11:35-1:10-2:10-3:50-5:10) 6:40-7:50-9:30-10:25
Metro, Seattle 206-781-5755
Howl’s Moving Castle (PG) (1-4) 7-9:45
Howl’s Moving Castle (Subtitled) (PG) (2-5) 8
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (12:30-4:15) 7:10-10
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (PG) (12:10-2:30-4:50) 7:20-9:40
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (12:20-3:30) 6:45-9:50
Lords of Dogtown (1:10-4:30) 7:30-10
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (12:50-3:50) 6:50-9:30
Madagascar (12-2:10-4:20) 6:30-8:50
Longest Yard (1:15-4:10) 7:15-9:55
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (G) (12:40-3:40) 6:40-9
Oak Tree, Seattle 206-527-1748
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (12:50-4) 7-9:55
Cinderella Man (12-3:20) 6:45-10:10
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (12:15-3:05) 6:30-9:30
Madagascar (PG) (11:45-2:10-4:45) 7:55-10:20
Longest Yard (1:10-4:25) 7:40-10:25
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (12:30-3:40) 7:20-10:35
Pacific Place, Seattle 206-652-2404
Lords of Dogtown (PG-13) 12:45-1:50-4-4:45-7:15-8-10-10:45
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) 12-12:30-1-3:15-3:45-4:15-6:30-7-7:45-9:45-10:15-11
Monster-in-Law 1:15-4:25-6:45-9:15
Kicking &Screaming (PG) 2:15-5-7:20
Layer Cake (R) 2:30-5:15-7:50-10:30
Crash (R) 2-4:40-7:30-10:20
The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (PG) 1:40-4:10-7:10-9:40
Interpreter 1:30-4:30-7:40-10:40
The Crow: Wicked Prayer (R) 9:55
Seven Gables, Seattle 206-781-5755
Ladies in Lavender (PG-13) (2-4:30) 7-9:20
Uptown, Seattle 206-285-1022
Howl’s Moving Castle (PG) (1-4) 7-9:45
Mad Hot Ballroom (12:30-3) 6:45-9:15
Varsity, Seattle 206-781-5755
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (PG) (1:15-4) 7-9:40
The Interpreter (PG-13) (12:50) 6:30
Layer Cake (R) (3:50) 9:30
The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (PG) (3:45) 6:45
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (NR) (1) 9:20
Woodinville 425-482-6538
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (10:45-12-1:45-3-4:45) 6-7:45-9-10:45
The Honeymooners (PG-13) (11:10-1:50-4:20) 7-9:50
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (PG) (11:30-2:10-4:50) 7:30-10:10
Cinderella Man(1:30-4:30) 7:30-10:30
Lords of Dogtown (PG-13) (11:20-1:45-4:15) 7:20-10:10
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (12:30-3:30) 6:45-9:30
Madagascar (PG) (11:50-12:45-2:15-3:15-4:45) 7:10-9:20
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (11:30-2:30-5:10) 6:30-7:45-9:10-10:40
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) (12-1-3-4) 6-7-9-10
Island &Skagit counties
Cascade, Burlington 360-707-2727
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) (12:20-1:40-3:20-4:20) 6-7-8:40-9:40
High Tension (R) (11:15-1:15-3:30-5:40) 7:50-10:20
Honeymooners (12:50-3-5:10) 7:40-10
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (PG) (11:50-2:10-4:50) 7:20-9:50
Cinderella Man (PG-13) (11:30-1-2:30-4-5:50) 7:10-8:50-10:10
Lords Dogtown (11:20-2:50-5:20) 8-10:30
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants (PG) (12:40-3:40) 6:20-9:20
Madagascar (PG) (11:10-12-1:20-2:20-3:50-4:40) 6:50-9
The Longest Yard (PG-13) (1:50-5) 6:10-7:30-9:10-10:15
Star Wars: Episode III (11-12:10-2-3:10-5:30) 6:30-8:30-9:30
Oak Harbor Plaza 360-279-2226
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (PG-13) 12:40-3:35-6:30-9:20
Madagascar (PG) 12:30-2:20-4:20-6:40-8:40
The Longest Yard (PG-13) 12:50-3:50-6:55-9:15
Blue Fox Drive-In, Oak Harbor 360-675-5667
Mr. &Mrs. Smith (PG-13) 8:30 w/ Mindhunters (R)
Seattle and beyond
“Bugs! in 3D”: Boeing IMAX Theatre, Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
“Coral Reef Adventure”: Boeing IMAX Theatre, Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
“Destiny in Space”: Eames IMAX Theater. Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
“The Dream is Alive”: Eames IMAX Theater. Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
“The Eruption of Mount St. Helens”: 10 and 11:30 a.m., 1, 2:30, 4, 5:30, 7, 8:30 p.m. daily. Seattle IMAX Dome Theater, Pier 59, Waterfront Park, Seattle; 206-622-1868.
“Into the Deep”: 10:40 a.m., 12:10, 1:40, 3:10, 4:40, 6:10, 7:40 p.m. Seattle IMAX Dome Theater, Pier 59, Waterfront Park, Seattle; 206-622-1868.
“Lewis &Clark: Great Journey West”: Aerial cinematography and meticulous recreations highlight this IMAX film about the 19th-century expedition that crossed uncharted North America. Eames IMAX Theater. Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
“NASCAR 3D”: Boeing IMAX Theatre, Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
“Ocean Oasis”: 10:40 a.m., 1:40, 3:10, 4:40, 6:10, 7:40 p.m. daily. Additional 12:10 p.m. show Saturdays and Sundays. Seattle IMAX Dome Theater, Pier 59, Waterfront Park, Seattle; 206-622-1868.
“Sacred Planet”: Boeing IMAX Theatre, Pacific Science Center, 200 Second Ave. N., Seattle; 206-443-4629.
Seattle International Film Festival: Through June 12;
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