DARRINGTON — Wind and overcast skies did little to deter hundreds of spectators viewing the second day of the 2024 Timberbowl Rodeo on Saturday in Darrington.
The event lasted over two days, with ranch saddle bronc riding, bull riding, barrel racing and wild cow milking — in shouting distance of Whitehorse Mountain.
Animals flung dirt in all directions and bulls sent cowboys flying into the air.
Ryan Anderson prepares to ride during the Timberbowl Rodeo in Darrington, Washington, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Annie Barker / The Herald)
A rider guides a horse out of the arena during the Timberbowl Rodeo in Darrington, Washington, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Annie Barker / The Herald)
A bull is prepared for the bull riding event during the Timberbowl Rodeo in Darrington, Washington, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Annie Barker / The Herald)
Flies cover the back of a cow during the Timberbowl Rodeo in Darrington, Washington, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Annie Barker / The Herald)
Cowboys congratulate each other during the Timberbowl Rodeo in Darrington, Washington, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Annie Barker / The Herald)
A cowboy avoids being trampled during the ranch saddle bronc riding event during the Timberbowl Rodeo in Darrington, Washington, on Saturday, June 29, 2024. (Annie Barker / The Herald)
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