Outdoor Writer
Saltwater coho fishing locally is starting to decline, although catches last week were still pretty good on some days. Checks at the Port of Everett Ramp ran from close to one fish per rod, to one for every three rods, depending on the day.
River anglers are finding very spotty fishing, as is often the case when chasing coho in a terminal area. Lower Snohomish River checks showed about one fish for every five rods at Langus Park and in the Lowell area, but success rates on the upper Snohomish and on the Skykomish were sometimes much better than that.
The north Lake Washington fishery has been fair to slow, running about a fish for every 8 to 12 persons.
The best coho fishing remains on the southwest Washington rivers, where a much larger than anticipated run developed this year. Catches on the Toutle and its tributary, the Green, were running about one silver per person, when visibility allowed. Boat fishermen on the Cowlitz were also hitting at a rate of about one per person, and bankers, one for four. Fishing on the Kalama and Lewis was also very good.
There seems to be considerable confusion over what type of license is needed to fish salmon in the rivers this time of year. Some anglers apparently feel that if they have the saltwater license they bought to fish Possession Bar or the shipwreck earlier, they’re legal for salmon in the Snohomish or Skykomish rivers.
Not so. If you’re fishing saltwater, you need a saltwater license, regardless of whether you’re catching chinook or cutthroat. If you’re fishing freshwater, you need a freshwater license, regardless of whether you’re catching cutthroat or chinook. If you intend to keep salmon, of course, you must have a salmon record card, regardless of your license type.
????Duck hunt: The “duck taxi” service for waterfowl hunters on Potholes Reservoir is on tap again this fall and winter, ferrying hunters daily from MarDon Resort to sand dune islands and other choice spots on the reservoir. Unguided, “drop-off” hunts include the boat ride, a blind, and decoys, for $125 per person, two-person minimum. Fully guided hunts go for $175 per person, three-person minimum. Call 1-800-416-2736.
Hunter sight-in: The annual hunter sight-in days sponsored by the Seattle Rifle and Pistol Association at its Machias-area range runs one more weekend, Oct. 21-22, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fee is $5 for the first rifle, and $2 for each additional. Range address is Evergreen Sportsmen’s Park, 625 135th Ave. S.E., Snohomish. Call 425-488-6885, evenings, for more information.
Upcoming seasons: The north end of Lake Washington is now open for coho, through Nov. 30, daily limit six fish. General buck deer season opened yesterday. General bull elk season opens in all areas except Western Washington (which opens Nov. 6) on Oct. 30. Winter blackmouth season opens in most parts of Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca on Nov. 1.
Razor clams: Recreational razor clam openings this fall and winter, afternoon tides only, are as follows: Oct. 25, all beaches; Oct. 27-28, all beaches; Nov. 10-11, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, and Kalaloch only; Nov. 12-16, Kalaloch only; Nov. 24-25, all beaches; Dec. 8-9, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, and Kalaloch only; Dec. 10-12, Kalaloch only; Dec. 13, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, and Kalaloch only; Dec. 14, Kalaloch only.
????Hunter ed: Successful completion of a certified hunter safety class is required in order to obtain a first Washington State hunting license for those of a certain age, or for those planning on hunting as a non-resident in any of several other states. For information on upcoming classes, call certified instructors Dick Abbey, at 206-542-2792 (leave a message if no answer), or Jim Elliott at 425-353-2211, after 5 p.m.
Build a rod: Greg’s Custom Fishing Rods in Lake Stevens presents a second rod building class this fall, 7-9 p.m. on Nov. 6, 8, 13, and 15, for a fee of $25. Call for reservations or more information, 425-335-1391.