A state Fish and Wildlife Department enforcement officer could face internal disciplinary action after he allegedly shot and killed an antelope while on a hunting trip in Montana and failed to remove the animal from the field. Department enforcement chief Bruce Bjork said the officer was cited by Montana authorities for misdemeanor animal wastage following a hunting trip last month, with a companion, in the eastern part of the state.
Bjork said the officer, an 11-year veteran of the agency, forfeited bail after receiving the citation, and voluntarily notified his superiors about the incident.
An internal investigation is underway, expected to be completed within 45 days. Possible disciplinary action could include termination, Bjork said.
Steelhead opportunity: The state Fish and Wildlife Department, expecting a large return of hatchery winter steelhead on the Cowlitz River, has opened the lower portions of Blue Creek (outlet of the steelhead/trout hatchery) and Mill Creek (outlet of the salmon hatchery) to fishing during the month of December. Blue Creek, which will be the most productive of the two streams, is open upstream to posted signs above the hatchery outlet, except that an area above and below the outlet is reserved for wheelchair-bound anglers. A record return of sea-run cutthroat also allows for retention of cutts in the section of Blue Creek open to fishing. The limit is five trout, only two of which may be longer than 20 inches; night fishing and non-buoyant lure restrictions are in effect; and all wild cutthroat and steelhead, plus those steelhead with a missing ventral fin, must be released. In the open portion of Mill Creek, it’s steelhead only.
Boat show: The 2001 Lake Union Boats Afloat Show comes to Seattle Jan. 12-21, at Chandler’s Cove, billed as the largest floating boat show on the west coast. The lakefront location in the heart of Seattle, according to Jane Love of the Northwest Yacht Brokers Association, allows brokers and dealers to display many of their largest sail and power boats. Show hours will be 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays and from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekends. Boarding passes are $10 for single day pass, or $20 for multi-day pass. A free shuttle service will connect the Lake Union site with the indoor displays at the Seattle Boat Show, located in the Stadium Exhibition Center just north of Safeco Field. For more information call Love at 206-748-0012, or visit www.boatsafloatshow.com.
Razor clams: Remaining recreational razor clam openings this fall and winter, afternoon tides only, are as follows: Dec. 10-12, Kalaloch only; Dec. 13, Long Beach, Twin Harbors, and Kalaloch only; Dec. 14, Kalaloch only.
Puyallup sportsmen’s show: The 2001 Washington Sportsmen’s Show is set for Jan. 24-28 at the Western Washington Fairgrounds in Puyallup, 1-9 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday; 1-10 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Super Bowl Sunday. Admission is $8 for adults, free for children under six, and $5 for juniors 6-16. Discount coupons good for $3 off adult admission will be available at participating Western Washington AM/PM stores. Call 503-246-8291, or visit www.oloughlintradeshows.com. Heading this year’s long list of featured experts is Ray Scott – known among bass anglers around the country as “Mr. Bass.” The Alabama native founded the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society and transformed bass fishing forever. He will be talking bass and autographing copies of his biography, “Bass Boss,” on Jan. 26-27.
Steelhead contest: Jim Strege at Triangle Beverage in Snohomish (360-568-4276) has announced the 12th annual edition of his winter steelhead contest, running now through the end of the season, for fish from either the Snohomish (includes the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Pilchuck, etc) or Stillaguamish river systems. Free entry. Weekly drawing for $5 in tackle, and season-end prizes for the 10 heaviest fish, plus a couple of mystery weights.
Steelhead contest too: MacDaniel’s Do-It Center, 510 2nd Street, Snohomish, hosts its annual winter steelhead contest again this year, offering a $10 certificate for the heaviest fish entered each week. All entries are then eligible for a grand prize season-end drawing. No cost to enter, simply bring your fish by and have it weighed. Phone number is 360-568-1544.
????Hunter ed: Successful completion of a certified hunter safety class is required in order to obtain a first Washington State hunting license for those of a certain age, or for those planning on hunting as a non-resident in any of several other states. For information on upcoming classes, call certified instructors Dick Abbey, at 206-542-2792 (leave a message if no answer), or Jim Elliott at 425-353-2211, after 5 p.m.
Boating class: The Coast Guard Auxiliary presents a boating and seamanship course, starting Jan. 23, 7 p.m., to run 14 sessions in seven weeks. Place is Everett Alternative High School, 3516 Rucker Avenue, and cost is $33. Call 425-252-7980.