School Winners

  • Sunday, March 14, 2010 11:39pm
  • Life

Students named to dean’s list at UW

Students from Snohomish and Island counties have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Washington for the fall quarter.

To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.5 out of 4.0. Students on the dean’s list for the autumn quarter are:

Arlington: Jeffrey Anderson, Jacob Aylesworth, Heather Boe, Bridgette Burkholder, Matthew Coyne, Andrea Cravioto, Ashley Foster, Morgan Galusha, Tyler Gjersee, Jacinda Guenthner, Nigel Kilmer, Woodrow Pearson, Michael Perry, Sarah Rayner, Miles Rossow, Kenneth Tibeau and Nav Tombros.

Brier: Mauricio Bendana, Stacie Bennett, Cody Croghan, Deanna Davis, Eric Della, Basqui Enriquez, Michael Fernandez, Kevin Hense, Rebecca Jordan, Sarah Juul, John Kennedy, Alexander Lindsay, Kimberly Mayhle, Marsha Olson, Rosa Parks, Travis Rauscher, Christina Reynolds, Jillian Russell, Alexa Stead and Calvin Tran.

Camano Island: Drew Barquist, Trevor Bell, Sarah Chappel, Randall Floyd, Chelsea Hoover, Ashley Kasenic, Taylor Mann, Thea Marriott, Caitlin Pratt, Anna Schaffer and Garrett Zipp.

Coupeville: Andrew Dwersteg and Zachary Simonson-Bond.

Edmonds: Rick Aaroe, Annaliese Abbey, Casey Anderson, Anthony Apfelbeck, Elizabeth Barrow, Milan Beard, Steven Bell, Adrienne Bennett, Alexandra Benton, Isaac Benton, Sean Blackbourn, Jasmine Boado, Diane Bolme, Jesse Bratt, Shaun Callahan and Beth Chance.

Jesus Chavez, Insun Choi, Ryan Church, Nathaniel Cook, Daniel Dawson, Jiadai Dong, Evangeline Drink, Danielle Endecott, Kristin Eslinger, Loretta Fisher, Ariel Frederick, Erik Fredrickson, Johanna Gawronski, Hannah Giese, Stephanie Gove, Julianne Grus, Haley Guffy and Sarah Han.

Kristin Hanke, Elisa Hedin, Kyle Hipke, Thong Ho, Jonathan Honari, Kiernan Honeycutt, Jennifer Honka, Shelly Horn, Kyle Howe, Robert Huntzberger, Alexander Hurt, Taryn Ihrig, Kaila Jensen, David Jung, Kelsey Kay, Daniel Kitt, Sean Kram, Din Kuses, Joseph Lanasa, Evan Langendorfer, Holliston Langendorfer and Grace Lee.

Jungyoon Lee, Kristen Linton, Christopher Lockhart, Stephanie Lu, Kelly Maddox, Yukio Maeda, Lauren Marriott, Alex Masaki, Kurtis Mees, Ian Michels-Slettvet, Christopher Mounce, Kindra Mowbray, Elizabeth Murphy, David Nelson, Eliza Nesvog, Kaarin Olsen, Christina Olson, Jenna Osborn, Susan Perrine, Ryan Petzold, Rebecca Pirwitz, Nataliya Piskorskaya, Elizabeth Poole and Disko Praphanchith.

Samantha Ratliff, Simon Riddell, Ami Roh, Mark Russeff, Michelle Sanchez, Justin Schrenk, Steven Seto, Samuel Shoemaker, Stephanie Skelton, Aliena Smith, Jessica Sugianto, Tracey Taylor, Robert Thompson, Matthew Toma, Jacob Trieu, Gavin Verhey, Aaron Voros, John Vu, Maitlin Waugh, Ted Wegrich, Joshua Yanagihara and Minchang Yi.

Everett: Andrea Abrahamson, Allison Alexander, Daniel Allen, Tyler Allen, Katherine Armintrout, Jacqueline Benthuysen, Alyssa Berger, Abbey Blackwell, Lacey Bloch, Makenna Brinster, Patricia Burnett, Khai Button, Le Button, Takara Caldwell, Andrew Chesterfield, Matt Christie and Annie Chung.

Benjamin Davis, Jashan Dhaliwal, Tavis Dickerson-Young, Talex Diede, Riley Dinh, Bernard Do, Mark Donahue, Daniel Donnelly, Annicia Dorsett, Christopher Esh, Chelsea Eslick, Kathleen Estrada, Eric Evangelista, Rebecca Evans, Jonathan Farrell, Annette Floyd, Meredith Floyd, Charles Fong and David Gantz.

James Geier, Rosa Gibbons, Anna Gillan, Joshua Go, Ruth Go, Dylan Goebel, Bryce Graff, Noelle Grimes, Fearghal Gunning, Carolyn Gunthardt, Hao Hau, Kyle Heiser, Sarah Helgeson, Ranfery Hernandez, Shannon Hoban, Young Hong, Ashlee Hooten, Julianne Horn, Lucas James, Erin Janovetz, Christopher Jimenez and Jason Kamb.

Colleen Kennedy, Thaddeus Kleckley, Samantha Knutson, Valia Korchemny, Sarah Koznek, Kristie Lamar, Jennifer Le, Xingtao Lee, Nicole Lemire, Zada Liu, Angelica Lizak, Megan Lucas, Jeremy Magnabosco, Dylan Malone, Caitlin Maloy, Raldy Mariano, Steven McBride, Jesse McCarty, Amanda McGuinness, Aspasea McKenna, Callie McKenzie, Shaina McLaughlin and Peter Meinz.

Glennmar Mencias, Katherine Miller, Oliver Nelson, Shaun Neubauer, Ashley Newton, Joshua Newton, Eugene Ngai, Mellissa Nguon, Alec Nielsen, Garett Ochs, Daniel Oh, Manya Oleson, Riki Omokawa, June Oshiro, Andrew Oss, Nancy Palekha, Katherine Palmer, Ca Pham, Hanh Pham, Phi Phan, Melissa Rangel and Rachelle Rappleye.

Lindsay Rautman, Courtenay Ray, Ariel Rios, Mary Robinson, Giovanni Sbrizzi, Richard Schaugaard, Scott Schellenberger, Jennifer Schilling, Cody Schroeder, Windy Sihombing, Iris Silverman, Molly Sligh, Brenda Smith-Gomez, Kianna Snyder, Shay Snyder, Alexi Stavang, Sarah Storm and Taylor Summers.

Phirak Suon, Brandon Thomas, Cara Thomas, Kristen Tremayne, Kentaro Tsuji, Cameron Turner, Galina Ursachii, Gabriella Ton Van Den Heuvel, Ryan Warnock, Janelle White, Aleksandr Yevsyugov, Jun Yi and Tony Zmuda.

Gold Bar: Kyle Stevens and Amanda Whitbeck.

Lake Stevens: Jessica Anderson, John Benefiel, James Cailotto, Olivia Craggs, Nicole DePrey, Molly Donnelly, Jamie Ebner, Carlie Elledge, Jeffrey Fellows, Stefanie Fincham, Kayla Gaston, Diana Haug, Melissa Ho, Cassandra Hodge, Aaron Hoffman, Nathaniel Hogue, Richard Holman and Kayla Johnson.

Tylor Jones, Jennifer Kaber, Christopher Lian, Jennifer Marker, Kelli McCole, Staci McCole, Sarah McDowell, Carly-Ann Miller, John-David Mulinski, Travis Neal, Victoria Nguyen, Kaleigh Nordby, Christine Pigott, Curtis Pitman, Bailey Rahn, Christine Scott, Jewel Shrout, Michael Siedlik, Evan Steinruck, Christopher Wenzel and Alexandra Wirth.

Langley: Lucy Brennan, Nathanial Frei, Somer Kreisman, Jeffrey Potter, Andrew Schmidt, Bridget Scott, Robert Scott and Gareth Snow.

Lynnwood: Christa Ainsworth, David Albers, Erin Anderson, Rory Backman, Samantha Blackwell, Maksim Brushchenko, Jeffrey Bungabong, Jonathan Choi, Justine Chun, Jessica Close, Sara Coates, Tim Crain, Natosha Cramer, Mai Dang, Teresa Dang, Kellen Davis, Felisa Deang, Micha Deang and Jamie Desimone.

Brandon Dilbeck, David Drake, Anthony Dreessen, Phuc Duong, Alessandra Durham, Mary Durham, Petar Dzhenkov, David Ehrmin, Brandon Fidler, Garrett Frix, Ruby Fung, Cassie Gamm, Kelley Govan, Elliot Gray, Mulu Habtyimer, Thao Hoang, Kevin Hodder, Jessica Holttum, Kenny Hong, Wendy Hung and Satori Johnson.

Stuart Johnson, Kenny Karyadi, Jan Kaseter, Bryce Kellogg, Robert Kerruish, Sandra Kilian, Jin Kim, Sung Kim, Wonhee Kim, Manprit Kingra, Knut-Sigurd Knuteson, Michelle Kolbet, Ka Kong, Mathew Lam, Michael Lam, Phong Lam, Derek Lau, Bao Le, Khanh Le and Inwoo Lee.

Jae Lee, Simeng Liu, Vince Ly, Eric Mar, Johanna Martinez, Akemi Masumoto, Emmaline McGraw, Skylar McManus, Karyn Medina, Stephanie Mohoric, Michael Moya, Corey Murray, Robyn Mushkin, Neal Natsheh, Charlene Nguyen, Julian Nguyen, Minh Nguyen, Jaime Park, Sergey Pashchenko, Stacy Pedroza and John Pelerine.

Matthew Perez, Thanh-Hien Phan, Ali Rahmani, Amir Rai, Ekra Rai, Zaynah Romani, Shalea-Dhaena Semana, Eric Shen, Michael Smith, Toni Stark, Terry Sue, Amy Sullivan, Brandon Thai, Alexander Thomas, Lawrence Tjok, Abel Tsegga, Adina Ulmanu, Christopher Vaaga, Rostislav Voloshin, Wei-Chen Wang, Ashley Wans, Allen Wong, Harold Wright, Whitney Wright, Anastasia Yatsenko and Yu Yi.

Marysville: Brook Alongi, Christopher Andersson, Haylie Boatman, Rachel Capetillo, Bryan Clark, Megan Conley, Cassandra Czarnetzke, John Davis, James Ervin, Gabriel Gribler, Brittany Hanson, Mary Helmbolt, Sara King, Rachel Lamascus, Kelsey Larsen, Cynthia Meadows-Read and Matthew Metcalf.

Tiffany Murray, Michelle Neighbors, Benjamin Noblitt, Vadim Novozhilov, Alex Olson, Cerise Robinson, Austin Rountree, Katie Ruiz, Navtarunjot Singh, Michael Smith, Ashley Wake, Ryan Warbis, Taylor Wirtz, Thomas Young and Julie Zehnder.

Mill Creek: Matthew Affleck, Stephanie Asheim, Kiran Beg, Jacob Campbell, Colin Chang, Shannon Connant, Patrick Crivell, Kyle Easterly, Emily Fowler, Randal Fu, Elizabeth Gilmore, Sydney Harper, Jamie Hatcher and Sandra Hong.

Robin Jeffrey, Nicole Kefalas, Dong Kim, John Kuehnert, David Ojala, Germaine Salmine, Stephanie Sieck, Andrew Song, Victor Teng, Michael Tomber, Samuel Totorica, Teresa Totoricaguena, Cameron Wu and Ashley Yun.

Monroe: Arreana Abernethy, Danielle Alden, Stephanie Bickler, Taryn Black, Sara Bush, Kelsey Dill, Christopher Furrer, Landon Gorman, Devin Henry, Rosa Hernandez, Josie Kies, Sara Krassin, Patricia Lippert, Lainey Olson, Rachel Phillips, Mikenzi Redd, Victoria Reitan, Whitney Rogers, Stephanie Ryder, Oleg Somphane, Talon Vazquez, Aaron Ward, Kaitlyn Werkhoven and Todd Yingling.

Mukilteo: Hana Aardal, Daniel Allen, Robin Azus, Zeke Barger, Andrew Boer, Katelin Bonner, Casey Bresin, Brian Byrnes, Alicia Carruth, Edward Cheung, Jessica Chin, Tracey Colaianni, Mahogany Dodd, Tamara Engelbert, Zachary Evans, Spencer Face, Tyler Field, Michael Fitzgerald and Taylor Fjeran.

Cameron Geisler, Dina Georgiu, Yoonjae Han, Krista Holden, Stefan Hristov, Lauren Hudson, Ryan Hyde, Brian Jeon, Riley Jones, Min Kang, Alex Kim, Kay Kim, Rachael Kim, Fiona Kwok, Vicki Liu, Michael Lunceford, Jennifer Lyle, Michelle Mark, Lance Martinez, Brittany Matheny and Lucas Matson.

Oliver Milton, Sophie Milton, Christina Moncrief, Christina Morse, Michael Nelson, Minh-Thy Nguyen, Henna Park, Ji Park, Jun Park, Sam Ruppel, Allison Rutherford, Sarah Schwisow, Justine Sim, Samantha Sovich, Jordan Standlee, Kristen Strand, Elliott Straube, Emma Streicher, David Swanson, Nicholas Unan, Cullen Walsh, Anne Wolken, Justina Wu, Anna Xue and Morgan Zaneski.

Oak Harbor: Sarah Andrews, Stacy Cannon, Brian Culbertson, Gregory Frias, Janiece Jenkins, Melanya Larson-Materne, Brittany Loveng, Christopher Morris, Sylvia Roberts, Robert Thomson and Zachary Webb.

Snohomish: Preston Albertine, Anne Baldock, Elizabeth Bonner, Taryn Briones, Scott Britton, Kinsey Burke, Kevin Call, Jordan Chester, Jeffrey Chheng, Stephanie Chu, Corinda Cronenwett, Amelia Dickson, Kevin Dougherty, Roman Dufrene, Stephanie Dunlap, Dylan Estes and Joshua Fairbanks.

Noah Ferguson, Jordan Forbes, Kaila Fox, David Frye, Melinda Gillie, Vedran Glisic, Zach Gordon, Ryan Greely, Katey Hagen, Ashley Hards, Eric Hare, Stephanie Hare, Adam Heike, Marylynne Henry, David Hiestand, George Hoang, Sarah Hutchinson, Rachel Iverson and Jacquelyn Jacobson,.

Scott Jenks, Taylor Jones, Elisabeth Kaczmarek, Kelsey King, Baylee Kline, Jasmine Labitzke, Christopher Lennard, Daniel Lewis, Linda Lewis, Daniel Liggett, Zachary Lindbloom-Brown, Heather Lyons, Andrew MacIver, Ashley Mathis, Brenden McLane, Claire McQuin, Michael Mills, Laura Monson, Corey Mueller, Alexandra Nelson, Kevin Niemann and Kathleen Pedersen.

Jennifer Perry, Stephanie Persson, Ashley Poeppel, Jennifer Revak, Heather Rose, Adam Shefveland, Nathan Sooter, Sean Stelfox, Jessica Svedberg, Spencer Thomas, Kathryn Vafaeezadeh, Megan Veith, Maasa Walker, Morgan Webb, Kelsey Weddle, Kathryn Westlund, Sean Woolsey, Edbert Yoewono, Mark Zachacz and Risheng Zheng.

Stanwood: Elizabeth Abrahamson, Grant Boursaw, Briana Bowers, Ryan Boyce, Kyle Butler, Scott Collins, Damara Hadzariga, Nolan Heintz, Jacob Lenz, Brody Lund, Kelvin Mansfield, Franz Ruijters, Karl Specht and Morgan Stewart.

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