Rick Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door hosts free travel classes from 10 to 11:30 a.m. most Saturdays at the Edmonds Theater, 415 Main St., Edmonds.
Venice, Florence, Rome with Gene Openshaw, 10 a.m. May 5.
Packing Light &Right with Joan Robinson, 10 a.m. May 12.
Greece, with Julie Coen, 10 a.m. May 19.
Online European Travel Resources for Beginners, with Pat O’Connor, noon May 19.
Sicily and Southern Italy with Julie Coen, 10 a.m. June 2.
France with Steve Smith, 10 a.m. June 9.
Photography Basics for the Traveler with Patricia Ridenour, noon June 9.
Digital Photography with Ralph Portillo, 1:15 p.m. June 9.
Reservations are recommended. Call 425-771-8303, ext. 298, or visit www.ricksteves.com/seattle.
The Savvy Traveler offers travel seminars at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. most Saturdays at 112 Fifth Ave. S., Edmonds.
Morocco, 10 a.m. May 5.
The Hill Tribes of Thailand, 1 p.m. May 5.
Learn How to Pack like a Savvy Traveler, 10 a.m. May 12.
German For Travelers, 6 p.m. Thursdays, May 17 to June 14.
World of the Maya: Guatemala and Mexico, 10 a.m. May 19.
Hiking in Switzerland, 1 p.m. May 19.
Climbing to the Roof of Africa with a Maasai guide, 10 a.m. June 2.
Change Your Life Through Travel, 10 a.m. June 16.
Classes are free, reservations recommended. Call 425-744-6076, 877-225-1994, or visit www.savvytraveleredmonds.com.