With live music, fun running events, an old-fashioned carnival, parade, pancake breakfast and of course, fireworks, the 2022 Arlington July 4th and Street Fair Hometown Celebration will have something fun and exciting for everyone to enjoy!
“Arlington’s Hometown Celebration illustrates the spirit of community,” says former parade marshal Sarah Arney.
“For 10 days at the beginning of July, a bunch of fun activities are planned by various organizations around town, including the Arlington Arts Council, which offers fun art projects for kids at the street fair.
“It’s time to walk down the middle of Olympic Avenue and have fun with neighbors and friends – it’s a grand time in Arlington!”
On July 2 (or before) participate in the No Mask Marathon and Half Marathon on your own with the recommended course. Mingle at the Stilly Beer and Wine Garden at Haller Park, from noon to 9 p.m. Hear some great live music with the Salt Grass Dirt Band at Legion Park at 6 p.m.
On July 3 ,the beer and wine garden is open once again from noon to 9 p.m., and hosts a fun Cornhole Tournament starting at 2 p.m.
And for the huge July 4th celebration, here’s a look at the fantastic events scheduled:
Pancake Breakfast at Haller Park (7 to 11 a.m.)
Kiwanis Auction at Haller Park (8 to 10:30 a.m.)
Pedal Paddle Puff Triathlon at Haller Park (8 a.m. start time)
Foam 5K Fun Run at Haller Park (9 a.m. start time)
Stilly Beer & Wine Garden at Haller Park (11 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
The Great Stilly Duck Dash at Haller Park (7 p.m.)
Old Fashioned Carnival at Legion Park (noon to 4 p.m.)
Kiddies Parade 4:30 p.m. on Olympic Avenue
Grand Parade 5 p.m. on Olympic Avenue
Fireworks at Quake Park (10 p.m.)
The fun continues July 8 to 10 with the Arlington Street Fair, presented by the Downtown Arlington Business Association. Olympic Avenue will be bustling with vendors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.
A full line up of entertainment is planned for the whole three days on the stage at Legion Park, including: Voices of the Village, Magician Jeff Martin, Marcia Kester, Mother Blue Band, Mark Goldberg, Rey Mendoza, Uncle Doug Cooper, and many other great performers.
To learn more about all the fun you can have this July in Arlington, visit their July 4 event page on Facebook or their website’s City of Arlington Events page.