“Are You Prepared?” is a free program at 10 a.m. today, South County Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave., Edmonds. Learn five actions to help make a difference in an emergency. 425-774-5555.
Friends of Camano Island Parks leads a tour of gardens at Four Springs Lakes Preserve, a demonstration garden of the Camano Wildlife Habitat Project, at 7 p.m. today starting from the Camano Multipurpose Center, 141 N. East Camano Drive, Camano Island. 360-387-2236.
Mighty Marlins Swim Club plans a Swim-A-Thon fundraiser in two sessions today, at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, 5611 108th St. NE, Marysville. The club is collecting pledges for laps. Proceeds benefit the swim club and Katrina Relief through USA Swimming. 360-659-1310.
Senior dance hosted by Everett VFW. Free dance lessons at 5:30 p.m. Dancing 6 to 9 p.m. today, 2711 Oakes Ave., Everett. Cover charge $5.
Lake Stevens High School Purple and Golf Booster Club fundraiser, 5 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Aquafest beer garden, Main Street, downtown Lake Stevens.
Third Thursday Art Walk, 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, downtown Edmonds. View work by local artists.
The 17th annual Walk Back in Time open house event is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at Edmonds Memorial Cemetery, corner of 100th Avenue W. and 15th Street SW in the Westgate neighborhood. Tours are available or visitors may walk the 115-year-old cemetery on their own.
Camano Island outdoor cinema series. Classic films and cartoons. At dusk Fridays, end of Lewis Lane. Call 360-387-4579 or go online to www.chumleigh.com.
Community Block Party, barbecue and food drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Alterra Clare Bridge of Lynnwood, 18706 36th Ave. W., Lynnwood. Proceeds support Lynnwood Food Bank.
Lavender wand class, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Lavender Hills Farm, 7508 108th St. NE, Marysville. Free. 360-651-2086.
Westmont Neighborhood Golf Tournament and Hot Rod and Harley event, sponsored by and benefiting Big Brothers and Sisters of Snohomish County. $160 for team of four. Prizes. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Walter E. Hall Golf Course, 1226 W.Casino Road, Everett.
Gold Wing Touring Association Evergreen Wings sponsors a motorcycle ride Thursday to benefit the Christmas House. Registration is 8:30 to 10 a.m. at Smokey Point Cycle Barn and closing ceremonies begin at 2 p.m. at Everett Powersports. Christmas House, providing gifts for low-income families, operates Dec. 8 to 23 at North Everett Boys and Girls Club. For more information on the ride, call 425-359-7274.
Darrington Kiwanis Club North Cascade Motorcycle Poker Run, 9 a.m. Sunday, Darrington High School, 1075 Fir St., Darrington. 100-mile run. $40 includes lunch. Benefits scholarships and community children’s projects. Prizes. For information, e-mail Ken Bell, kmbell2@ verizon.net.
Storytime for babies is 10:30 a.m. Monday at Everett Public Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave., Everett.
Pilchuck Audubon has scheduled a 7 a.m. Tuesday bird-watching trip to north Whidbey Island. For meeting place and other information, call 360-435-3750.
The Wenatchee Youth Circus pays its annual visit to Edmonds with performances at 1 and 7 p.m. July 26 at the Civic Center playfield, Seventh Avenue and Bell Street. Tickets available at Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St. 425-771-0230.
this week
this week
Lake Stevens Firefighters Association annual pancake breakfast is 6 a.m. to noon Saturday and Sunday at downtown Lake Stevens Fire Station 81, 12409 21st St. NE. Adults $6, children under 10 and seniors, $3.
The Oso Fire Department Auxiliary’s 25th annual flea market is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the fire hall, 21824 Highway 530, east of Arlington at Deer Creek. 360-435-9881.
Busy Bee Quilters, 26th annual quilt show is 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday in the new gym at Snohomish High School, Fifth Street and Avenue D, Snohomish. $5 or free for children under age 12.
Aquafest begins at 5 p.m. Thursday, and continues through 5 p.m. Sunday, downtown Lake Stevens. 425-397-2344 or go online to www.aquafest.org.
The 30th annual Darrington Bluegrass Festival is Friday through Sunday at the Darrington Music Park, Highway 530 three miles west of Darrington. 800-422-3048 or go online to www.glacierview.net/ bluegrass.
Kla Ha Ya Days festival begins at 2 p.m. Thursday and continues through Sunday in downtown Snohomish. 360-568-7076 or go online to www.klahayadays.com.
Support Groups for recently bereaved men and women. Widowed Information and Consultation Services of Snohomish County offers help for those who have lost their spouse. Call 425-252-7617.
Home League, the Salvation Army of Everett’s ladies group meets 10:30 a.m. Thursdays at the Salvation Army building, 2525 Rucker Ave., Everett, to work on service projects.
Socrates Cafe, a philosophical discussion group where “community conversation occurs without convincing, correcting or condemning,” is 7 p.m. each third Wednesday of the month at Monroe Public Library, 1070 Village Way. Call 425-344-7673.
Open mike 6 to 8 p.m. Thursdays at Whidbey Coffee, 619 Fourth St., Mukilteo, Sponsored by the Mukilteo Arts Guild, the event features performance art, poetry and acoustic music.
Sno-Isle Genealogical Society offers drop-in beginning genealogy classes during open hours. Located in Heritage Park, 19827 Poplar Way, Lynnwood, the library is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. 425-775-6267.
A peer support group for families and friends of homicide victims: If you are a loved one of a homicide victim and want support, compassion and guidance in a safe, confidential setting, contact Families and Friends of Violent Crime Victims, which meets 7 to 9 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month in Everett. A teen support group meets the first Monday of each month, also in Everett. 800-346-7555.
Bingo: 11 a.m. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Wednesdays, noon Thursdays. Senior lunch followed by penny bingo at the Granite Falls Senior Center, 302 S. Granite Ave., Granite Falls. 360-691-7177, 360-691-4297.
PAWS dog-training classes: For puppies 3-5 months old and dogs and puppies 5 months and older. Classes are limited to seven dogs and are offered throughout the spring and summer at PAWS, 15305 44th Ave. W., Lynnwood. The fee for each six-week session is $100. 425-787-2500, ext. 820; www.paws.org.
Yoga and Pilates classes: Offered by West Coast Family Aquatic Center. $5 per class. All classes taught by certified instructors. Morning and evening classes Monday-Thursday at 15622 Country Club Drive, Mill Creek. 425-745-3474.
Boeing Retiree Group (Bluebills): Dedicated to providing opportunities to volunteer time and experience to improve the quality of life in the community. Activities include volunteer opportunities, speakers and social events. Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at the Boeing Activity Center. 425-717-3755.
Everett Exchange Club meetings: 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays at the Vintage Cafe, 1508 Hewitt Ave., Everett. 360-658-0461, info@everett exchangeclub.org.
Senior exercise: $2. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. and 10:10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Arbor Place, Silver Lake, 12806 Bothell-Everett Highway, Everett. 425-338-3227.
Meeting of the Everett chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation: The third Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. at Petosa’s, 3121 Broadway, Everett. 425-337-4131.
Families for Kids training classes: A program of Lutheran Community Services Northwest, providing support services for foster, adoptive and kinship-care providers in Washington. Meets 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at Denny’s Restaurant, 2903 Pacific Ave., Everett. 425-268-7145.
Everett Chess Club: Free, all ages and skill levels. 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Espresso Americano, Everett Public Library auditorium, 2702 Hoyt Ave., Everett. 425-514-3209, bradchess@hotmail.com.
Friday night singles dance: Dancing, DJ. $8. 21 and older. 8 p.m. to midnight first Friday of each month, Laurelwood Reception Hall and Event Center, 123 N. Blakeley St., Monroe. 360-794-8317.
Lindbeck dance: Harry Lindbeck plays smooth dance music. $5. 1-4 p.m. Thursdays at Normanna Hall, 2725 Oakes Ave., Everett. 425-252-0291.
Public dance: Sno-King International Folk Dance Club. $5, $3 members. 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Cedar Valley Grange, 20526 52nd Ave. W., Lynnwood. 425-454-6529, 425-889-0541.
Scottish country dancing: No partner needed. Every Wednesday at Rosehill Community Center, 304 Lincoln Ave., Mukilteo. 425-438-8977.
Tango lessons: With Ina and Jon Howe. Small donation. 6 p.m. Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Saturdays at Everett Senior Activity Center, 3025 Lombard Ave., Everett. 425-257-8780.
Ethnic cooking classes: Registration required, $5 suggested donation. 5 to 7 p.m. every fourth Tuesday at Grandview Community Center, 716 Linden St., Everett. 425-252-6672.
Adult first-aid and CPR recertification: $25, current card required. 8 a.m. to noon the first Saturday of each month at Cascade Valley Hospital, 330 S. Stillaguamish Ave., Arlington. 360-435-2133, ext. 4705.
Auto and work injury class: Chiropractic massage, nutrition. Registration required. 6 p.m. Wednesdays at Auto and Work Injury Clinic, Marysville. 360-653-8307.
Building family strengths: Free parenting class offered by Pathways for Women YMCA. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesdays in Lynnwood; 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays in Everett. 425-774-9843, ext. 223.
Foot-care clinic for seniors: $10 per person, registration required. 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. every other Tuesday at Cascade Valley Hospital Wound Care Center, 875 Wesley St., Suite 210, Arlington. 360-435-8158.
Infant-child CPR: Two-year-certification. $25 per family. 8 to 11 a.m. the second Saturday of each month at Cascade Valley Hospital, 330 S. Stillaguamish Ave., Arlington. 360-435-2133, ext. 4705.
Cascade Crags: Indoor rock climbing. $40. Classes for beginners at 7 p.m. Wednesdays and 10 a.m. Saturdays. Climbs for youths ages 8-19 are at 6 p.m. Thursdays and 2 p.m. Saturdays. $10 members, $25 nonmembers. 2820 Rucker Ave., Everett. 425-258-3431, www.cascadecrags.com.
Edmonds Bicycle Advocacy Group: Meets at 7:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month at the Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St., Edmonds. 425-744-6588.
Pilchuck Audubon: Birding trips and education. Meets at 7 p.m. the second Friday of each month at Cascade Crags, 2820 Rucker Ave., Everett. 425-252-0926.
Snohomish County Mycological Society: Activities include educational events, field trips, shows and classes. Meets at 7:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of each month at Baker Heights Community Center, 14th and Poplar streets, Everett. www.scmsfungi.org.
Washington Bass Association: Meets at 7:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month at Meadowdale Community Center, 6801 N. Meadowdale Road, Lynnwood.
Bluegrass and Country Music Makers Association: Bluegrass jam sessions, free. Dinner following, donation requested. 1 p.m. the second Sunday of each month at Darrington Community Center. 360-436-1179, 360-436-1006.
Bluegrass open mike: 7 to 10 p.m. last Saturday of each month, Wired &Unplugged Internet Coffeehouse, 717 First St., Snohomish. 360-568-2472.
Jazz jam: 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays with the Tony Chop Jazz Trio. Wired &Unplugged Internet Coffeehouse, 717 First St., Snohomish. 360-568-2472.
Old Time &Country Music Association: Free jam sessions, 6:30 to 9:45 p.m. the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Baker Hi-Rise, 1401 Poplar St., Everett. 425-334-5769.
Open electric and acoustic jam session: Downbeat electric and jazz. 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Stewart’s of Snohomish, 709 First St., Snohomish. 360-568-4684.
Open mike: 9 p.m. Wednesday at The Jet Deck at Paine Field, 10203 31st Ave. W., Everett. 425-353-0770.
Open mike: 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at Wired &Unplugged Internet Coffeehouse, 717 First St., Snohomish. 360-568-2472.
Open mike: 7 to 11 p.m. Friday at The Candy Cane Restaurant, 523 W. Stevens Ave., Sultan. 425-799-2416.
Washington Old-Time Fiddlers Association: Jam sessions the second and fourth Fridays of each month. 5 p.m., Celtic group; 6 p.m., workshop; 7 p.m., circle jam. Youth jam at 7 p.m. second Fridays. Free. Old Arlington High School, 135 S. French St., Arlington. 360-691-5907, noelula@aol.com.
The Military Family Network seeks a full-time volunteer: Someone is needed to expand the group’s national community volunteer network. Work includes writing a nationally syndicated military family column, recruiting and managing volunteers and other tasks. cpeabody@ emilitary.org.
Downsizing? Moving? New &Again, a nonprofit thrift shop supporting the Snohomish County Center for Battered Women, needs your clean, gently used furniture. Pick-up of items not available; drop off items at 3116 Rucker Ave., Everett. 425-258-4428.
MS Helping Hands seeks volunteers and donations: The Donor Closet carries and accepts donations of items that help people with disabilities. It is currently collecting dolls and stuffed animals for children affected by Hurricane Katrina. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday. 425-712-1804.
Foster homes for dogs needed: Can you provide a home for a dog for a few months and provide some basic training? If so, the Humane Society in Arlington needs your help. A 6-foot fence is necessary. The shelter in Arlington also is looking for volunteer workers. hmnsoc@aol.com, 360-652-5844, www.saveourdogs.com.
Join Fire Corps: The volunteer organization supports the Lynnwood Fire Department through community outreach and education events. Volunteers will assist with promoting fire safety and installing smoke detectors. 425-744-6436.
The Lake Stevens Senior Center is accepting donated items for its first estate sale. Donations are tax-deductible. 425-397-8965.
The Lynnwood Police Department is recruiting men and women for its police cadet program: Cadets perform duties such as clerical and data-entry tasks, community presentations, crowd control and park patrols. Applications are available at City Hall, 19100 44th Ave. W., Lynnwood. 425-775-1971.
The Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisers HelpLine is seeking new volunteers in Snohomish County to help offer information on Medicare. To volunteer, contact James Pham at 425-290-1256 or e-mail jpham@sssc.org. The Snohomish SHIBA HelpLine office is at 8221 44th Ave. W., Mukilteo. Volunteers must be able to assure confidentiality to clients and cannot be affiliated with any insurance company, product or service. Training is offered. The HelpLine is sponsored by the state Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
Senior Services of Snohomish County is looking for volunteers for its Senior Peer Counseling program. Volunteers age 55 and older will provide counseling support to senior citizens struggling to cope with life transitions. No previous counseling experience is necessary. Training, supervision and mileage are provided. 425-290-1252.
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