Community Extra Calendar


Arlington Kiwanis Club: 7 p.m. at the Arlington Boys &Girls Club every first and third Wednesday at 18513 59th Ave. NE, Arlington.

Catholic Daughters of America, St. Rita Court of Everett: 10:30 a.m. third Saturdays at Washington Oakes Retirement Home, 1717 Rockefeller Ave., Everett. Barbara, 425-514-3016, or Dorothy, 425-377-6202.

Edmonds Kiwanis Club: 10 a.m. Tuesdays, South County Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave., Edmonds. 425-771-8949.

Edmonds Lions Club: 6 p.m. second and fourth Mondays at Stevens Hospital cafeteria, 21601 76th Ave. W., Edmonds. 425-774-6353.

Everett Central Lions Club: noon on second and fourth Wednesdays at Knights of Columbus Hall, 2913 W. Marine View Drive, Everett. 425-514-5464.

Everett Pacesetters Toastmaster Club: 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays at Washington Oaks, 1717 Rockefeller Ave., Everett. A club for those interested in becoming a better speaker, listener and communicator. Heather, 425-252-7649.

Everett PROBUS Club: Meets for fellowship and a program at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month at Firefighters Hall, 2411 Hewitt Ave., Everett. 425-334-4327.

Got’Cha Referrals: A business networking group that meets from 7:15 to 8:45 a.m. Wednesdays at the Crystal Creek Cafe, 21616 Bothell-Everett Highway, Bothell. 425 775-6295,

Kiwanis Club of Snohomish-Tillicum: 10 a.m. Mondays in the meeting hall of St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 1512 Pine Ave., Snohomish. 360-568-3590.

Lynnwood Kiwanis Club: 7 a.m. Thursdays, Lynnwood Senior Center at Scriber Lake Shopping Center, 5800 198th St. SW, Lynnwood. 425-776-7578.

Marysville Kiwanis: 7 a.m. Tuesdays, Village Restaurant, 224 Ash Ave., Marysville. 425-343-5310.

Monroe Kiwanis Club: Noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, Godard Room, Valley General Hospital, 14701 179th Ave. SE, Monroe. 360-805-9457.

Mukilteo Kiwanis Club: 6:30 p.m. first Tuesdays at City Hall, 11930 Cyrus Way, Mukilteo, and second through fourth Tuesdays of every month at the Pointe Restaurant, Harbour Pointe Golf Club, Mukilteo. 425-322-4537.

PBY Memorial Foundation: 11:30 a.m. fourth Tuesdays at the CPO Club on Ault Field Road, Oak Harbor. Speakers’ talks are related to a range of historical subjects.

Retired Public Employees: 1:30 p.m. first Tuesdays at Everett Senior Center, 3025 Lombard Ave., Everett. 425-514-5919.

Silver Lake Kiwanis: 7 a.m. every Wednesday except the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at Patty’s Eggnest, 6720 Evergreen Way, Everett.

Snohomish Kiwanis Club: Noon every Thursday at Alfy’s Pizza and Pasta restaurant, 1020 Ave. D, Snohomish. Pizza, salad and beverage for $6. A new speaker every week.

Snohomish Rotary Club: 7 a.m. Thursdays, Collector’s Choice Restaurant, 120 Glen Ave., Snohomish. 800-454-9715.

Sno-Isle Unit 22 Retired Educators: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Golden Corral, 1065 State St., Marysville. The business meeting will be followed by lunch and a speaker on senior fitness. 425-348-4993.

Sno-King School Retirees: Scholarship luncheon noon today at the Unitarian-Universalist Church, 8109 224th St. SW, Edmonds. Four scholarships will be awarded to four graduating high school seniors. Dr. Rick Stevenson, director, writer and producer will speak on Mission 1, the 5,000 Days Project. All proceeds will go to the SKSR Scholarship Fund. RSVP to Betty Odle at 206-525-8276 or e-mail

South Everett Lions Club: 7 p.m. first and third Wednesdays at Evergreen Lanes, 5111 Claremont Way, Everett. 425-337-0959.

South Everett-Mukilteo Rotary: 12:15 p.m. Fridays at Everett Golf and Country Club, 1500 52nd St. SE, Everett.

Thelma Lodge 26, Daughters of Norway: 10 a.m. April 17 at Normanna Lodge, 2725 Oakes Ave., Everett. Michael Maryk will discuss his novel about the evacuation of 70,000 Finnish children to Sweden, Norway and Denmark during World War II. Membership in Daughters of Norway is open to women over age 13 of Scandinavian descent.

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Arlington Post 1561: Meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesdays at the Stillaguamish Valley Pioneer Museum, 20722 67th Ave. NE, Arlington. All veterans who have served honorably and received a combat or campaign medal are eligible to join. 425-232-8453 or 360-435-6677.

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Lynnwood Post 1040: Meets first Thursdays at the Alderwood Youth Club, 19619 24th Ave. W., Lynnwood. All veterans who have served honorably and received a combat or campaign medal are eligible to join. 425-774-7416, 425-697-4102 or 425-486-2637.

Music And Theater

Glacier Peak High School performance of “The Music Man”: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday, April 23 and 24. All shows will be in the Performing Arts Center at Glacier Peak High School, 7401 144th Place SE, Snohomish. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for students and $8 for seniors and children. Tickets can be ordered by calling 360-563-7500, online at or at the door.

Village Community Services: Friday music jam sessions, 1 to 3 p.m. at 338 N. MacLeod Ave., Arlington. Kids and adults are invited. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. 360-653-7752, ext. 14.


Art auction: Begins today and ends at 3 p.m. May 21 at the Fabric of Life Boutique, 523 Main St., Edmonds. Fabric of Life supports projects that teach capable young African women literacy and income-generating job skills. 425-775-7391 or 425-563-3925,

Community pancake breakfast to benefit the Northwest Burn Foundation: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 24 at 13421 39th Ave. NE, Marysville. The event will celebrate the opening of Servpro in Marysville. Christian Love, 425-355-0230.

Jet City Rollergirls dance party: 7:30 p.m. April 30 at Gorditos, 1909 Hewitt Ave., Everett. Team Camaro Harem will host the party. Prizes will be given to teams with the craziest moves and best team work out on the dance floor. Teams can enter the contest for $10 and individuals can enter for $3.

Marysville Sons of Italy, Mille Cugini Lodge 2659 spaghetti dinner and raffle: 2 to 6:30 p.m. May 22 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 4200 88th St. NE, Marysville. Tickets are available at the door for $10 for adults, $5 for children 4 to 10. Children under 4 are free. Donations will be given to the Marysville Food Bank and other charities.

Mill Creek Foursquare Church community carnival: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 22 at 1415 164th St. SW, Lynnwood. Carnival games, obstacle course, car washes provided. Free. 425-742-3366,

Relay For Life Fundraiser: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 6924 211th Place NE., Arlington. The Arlington School District Transportation bus drivers are hosting a garage sale. All proceeds go to Relay For Life. Pam, 425-308-9346.

South Everett Lions pancake breakfast: 8 a.m. to noon April 24 at Cascade View Presbyterian Church, 1030 Casino Road, Everett. Proceeds fund youth scholarships and sight and hearing assistance in the community. 425-337-0959.

Warm Beach Senior Community spaghetti dinner and silent auction: 4 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the Beachwood Lounge, 20420 Marine Drive, Stanwood. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door. Proceeds raised will purchase a Vanderlift machine for the Health Care Center. Sheila Bartlett, 360-652-2645.

World T’ai Chi and Qigong Day: 10 to 11 a.m. April 24 at Veterans Park, 44th Ave. West and 194th St. SW., Lynnwood. A demonstration to celebrate the 12th annual World T’ai Chi and Qigong Day. Barbara Gleisner, 425-776-1244,

Young at Heart auction and dinner: 6 p.m. June 25 at the South County Senior Center, 220 Railroad Ave., Edmonds. 425-774-5555.

Zonta Club of Everett VIP dinner and awards ceremony: 5:30 p.m. social, 6 p.m. dinner tonight at Everett Golf and Country Club, 1500 52nd St. SE, Everett. Speaker Dr. Alice Rowe will present How to Become the Hero of Your Own Life: Lessons From the “Wizard of Oz.” Tickets $25. Reservations: 425-348-3501.


Ballroom Dancing: 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Tuesday at the Totem Middle School cafeteria, 1605 7th St. NE., Marysville. Learn popular ballroom dances such as Waltz, Swing, Cha-cha, Rumba, Tango, Hustle, Country and more with instructor Boy Babcock. The six-week session is for ages 16 to adult and costs $59. Registration is required, Marysville Parks and Recreation office, 360-363-8400.

East County Senior Center: Free writing class at 2 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month, 276 Sky River Parkway, Monroe. 360-794-6359.

Garage Sale 101: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 24 at the Marysville Public Library, 6120 Grove St., Marysville. Professional organizer Monika Kristofferson and interior designer Kelly DuByne will show the ins and outs of having a successful garage sale. The class cost is $30 and registration is required. Marysville Parks and Recreation office, 360-363-8400.

Mill Creek Senior Center: A variety of classes for seniors, including computer classes, at 15720 Main St., Suite 210, Mill Creek. 425-948-7170.

Third Friday of the month dance: 7:30 p.m. at the South Camano Grange, 2227 S. Camano Drive, Camano Island. Swing dance lesson included in the $8 admission. 360-387-6842.


Evergreen Republican Women: 6:30 p.m. social, 7 p.m. meeting April 29 at Shawn O’Donnell’s Restaurant, 122 128th St. SE., Everett. 425-397-9536 or

Quilceda Carvers: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. fourth Saturday of the month in the Red Barn at Jennings Memorial Park, 6915 Armar Road, Marysville. This nonprofit group is dedicated to promoting interest in the art of woodcarving and community service. Woodcarving class is 9 a.m. to noon. Potluck and show-and-tell from noon to 2 p.m.

Marysville Dog Owners Group off-leash park work party: Noon Saturday at 6100 152nd St. NE., Marysville. Volunteers are needed to help clean up Strawberry Fields park. Food and refreshments will be provided. Bring work gloves and to pick up garbage, pet waste and perform other basic dog park maintenance. Dogs welcome, too. Leslie Buell, 360-651-0633, or

Support group for special education parents in the Everett School District: 6:30 to 8 p.m. every third Thursday at the ARC of Snohomish County, 2500 Hewitt Ave., Suite 300, Everett.

Widow support group: Widowed Information Consultation Services has ongoing support groups for widowed men and women in Everett, Lynnwood and Monroe. 425-252-7617.


Arlington Library: Book group 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Arlington Library, 135 N. Washington Ave., Arlington. 360-435-3033.

Everett Public Library: Free evening and Saturday computer classes at the library, 2702 Hoyt Ave., Everett. These classes are intended to help beginners become familiarized with computers, computer programs, and the Internet. Registration required. 425-257-8000.

Friends of Sultan Library Spring Book and Bake Sale: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 1 at the Sultan Community Center, 319 Main Street, Sultan. Proceeds support Sultan Library programs and services. Donations of used books and media in good condition are welcome. 360-793-1695.

Granite Falls Library: Family story time at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Granite Falls Library, 815 E. Galena St., Granite Falls. 360-691-6087.

Mountlake Terrace Library: Free computer classes at 8:30 a.m. May 11, 22. 25, and 29 at the library, 23300 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace. Computer Basics II is a follow-up to the Computer Basics class that teaches mouse and basic navigation skills. Registration is required. 425-776-8722.

Mountlake Terrace Library: Free toddler play-and-learn group, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays at the Mountlake Terrace Library, 23300 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace. Activities include open play, making friends, art, stories and music. Children ages 18 months to 3 years with caregiver are invited. 425-776-8722.

Mukilteo Library: Free workshop, “Accepted! Getting Into Your First Choice College” 1 p.m. April 24 at the library, 4675 Harbour Pointe Blvd., Mukilteo. Rebecca Gomes from the Seattle Kaplan Center will explain how college admissions work, how to plan a realistic timeline, and how to prepare for college. 425-493-8202.

Mukilteo Library: 2 p.m. Saturday at the library. 4675 Harbour Pointe Blvd., Mukilteo. Local poet Kwami Nyamidie will read from his book, “Ready for Your Love,” and share newer unpublished works. Joining him will be local musician Paul Nyenhuis, performing songs using a variety of hand-crafted Native American flutes. 425-493-8202.

Snohomish Library: Kite-making workshop for kids 1 p.m. Sunday at the library, 311 Maple Ave., Snohomish. Children will be taught how to make their own Korean bird kite using bond paper and matchstick bamboo by designer Greg Kono. 360-568-2898.

Sultan Library: Better budgeting class from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the library, 319 Main St., Sultan. Learn financial skills and techniques to help manage finances and debt, plan for future expenses, and get tips to cut costs and save money from presenter Christina Holmes-Mason from Boeing Employees Credit Union. 360-793-1695.

You Can Help

Clothing and Textile Advisors of Snohomish County Community Sew Days: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. third Saturdays in the Evergreen Room at the Washington State University Extension Office, 600 128th St. SE, Everett. Work on charitable projects, such as tote bags for Pathways for Women or fleece jackets and hats for foster kids. 425-338-2400, ext. 5545,

Humane Society: Volunteer help needed to clean and socialize cats for one to two hours any late afternoon of the week in Stanwood. Volunteers in the construction trades also needed. 360-652-5844,

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