Tweed Ride: The Snohomish Tweed Ride is 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 24. Jaunt through the countryside in Victorian, Edwardian or even Steampunk garb — just no lycra, jeans or modern clothing. Bring a picnic. Enjoy jolly diversions, teas and sweets from event organizers. The ride starts from Snohomish Carnegie Foundation, 105 Cedar Ave., and toodles along the Centennial Trail. Cost is $15 and benefits Historic Downtown Snohomish. More info:
Carnivorous terrariums: A Carnivorous Terrariums Workshop is set for 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Lake Stevens Library, 1804 Main St. Create your own sundew terrarium to take home. Materials provided. Ages 16 and up. Registration required. More info: 425-334-1900,
Sk8 Fest: The Centennial Sk8 Fest runs Sept. 24-25 in Arlington. Skateboard races, skate film show, vendors, lawn games and more. More info:
Car show: The Snohomish Classic Car and Hot Rod Display is set for 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 25 in downtown Snohomish. Free to the public. More info:
Heroin talk: A community forum on Snohomish County’s heroin and opioid issues is set for 6 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Byrnes Performing Arts Center, 18821 Crown Ridge Blvd., Arlington. More info:
Disaster preparedness: Lynnwood holds a Neighborhood Disaster Preparedness Workshop, 6-8 p.m. Sept. 27 at Fire Station 14, 18800 68th Ave. W. Learn the basics of first aid, ladder climbing and rescue cribbing, how to turn off your gas and water, how to use a fire extinguisher, and learn how to implement Map Your Neighborhood with your neighbors. To register: Misty Burke, or 425-670-5302.
Superhero America: Which superhero do you identify with? What’s your superpower? Why are we drawn to the heroic and the superhuman? Come discuss your favorite superheros with comic book historian, T. Andrew Wahl, at an interactive multimedia presentation, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Arlington Library, 135 N Washington Ave. All ages. More info: 360-435-3033.
Disaster preparedness: Learn how to prepare yourself, your family and your community in a disaster at ReadyFest, a family friendly and hands-on open house, 3-8 p.m. Sept. 28 at Edmonds Fire Station 17, 275 Sixth Ave. N. Learn how to shut off utilities, use a fire extinguisher, map your neighborhood and give hands-on CPR, sample some MREs, and lots more. More info:
Women’s Expo: Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County holds its Celebrating Women Expo, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 30 and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 1 at Xfinity Arena, 2000 Hewitt Ave., Everett. Admission is free but a $5 donation to Domestic Violence Services is suggested. Vendors, speakers, demonstrations, bestselling author J.A. Jance and more. More info:
Pancakes, Edmonds: The Edmonds Sons of Norway Lodge hosts its third Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale of the year, 7:30 a.m.-noon Oct. 1 at the Edmonds Masonic Center, 515 Dayton St. Norwegian pancakes with strawberries, ham, and beverage for $8, $5 ages 6-10, free for ages 5 and younger. Live music, craft and bake sales, too. Free folk dancing lessons for kids 10 a.m.-noon. Proceeds benefit charitable causes. More info: 425-275-7114.
Pancakes, Bothell: 8-11 a.m. Oct. 1 (first and third Saturdays) at the Northshore Senior Center, 10201 E Riverside Drive. Cost is $5. More info: 425-487-2441.
Pancakes, Snohomish: 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Oct. 1 (first Saturday) at the Snohomish Senior Center, 506 Fourth St. Pancakes, French toast, sausage, ham, biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and more. Cost is $5, $3 for kids.
Genealogy 101: Sno-Isle Genealogical Society offers a free beginning genealogy class, 10-11 a.m. Oct. 1 (first Saturday) at the SIGS Research Library, 19827 Poplar Way in Lynnwood’s Heritage Park. More info: 425-775-6267.
Rocktoberfest: Marysville Rock and Gem Club holds its Rocktoberfest Gem and Mineral Show, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 1 in the gym at Totem Middle School, 1605 Seventh St., Marysville. Free. More info: Search Marysville Rock and Gem Club on
Railroad Days: Granite Falls’ Railroad and Reunion Days is Oct. 1. The annual celebration of area history and community pride includes a Main Street Parade at noon. A carnival will be in town all weekend. Granite Falls High School reunions coincide. More info:,
Gamer talk: Join Livio De La Cruz, indie game designer, Elizabeth Sampat of PopCap Games, and Spencer Davenport of The Pokemon Company for “From Dreamer to Developer,” an in-depth discussion about the video game industry, 1-2 p.m. Oct. 1 at the Lynnwood Library, 19200 44th Ave. W. Learn where these industry experts broke into the business, what a typical day is like, and what the future of the gaming industry holds. More info: 425-778-2148.
Viking Fest: A Viking Fest and Pub Tour conquers downtown Arlington locations Oct. 1 and 2. A Conquering March is at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 1. Find an authentic Viking village with reenactors. A Swedish pancake breakfast runs both days. Sword fighting, axe throwing, hair braiding, tug-of-war and costume contests open to all, demonstrations, performances and much more. More info:
Explore 4-H: The annual Explore 4-H Open House is set for 7-8:30 p.m. Sept. 27 in the Beef Pavilion at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds, 14405 179th Ave. SE, Monroe. Learn about 4-H’s 25-plus programs, the benefits of 4-H, and how to find a club. Registration required. More info: 425-357-6044,
Read and Rock: Young children up to age 5 and their caregivers are invited to join Ian Dobson’s steel drum party for an Every Child Ready to Read and Rock event, 10:30 a.m. Sept. 28 at the Arlington Library, 135 N Washington Ave. More info: 360-435-3033.
Board games: Bored? Come spend an afternoon playing board games, 3:30-5 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Marysville Library, 6120 Grove St. New games and classic games. For sixth-graders and up. More info: 360-658-5000.
Marble magnets: Tweens and teens are invited to make unique magnets they can use to decorate their lockers, 3 p.m. Sept. 29 at the Arlington Library, 135 N Washington Ave. More info: 360-435-3033.
Library service hours: Middle school students (grades 6-8) can earn community service credit by helping out at the Mukilteo Library, 4675 Harbour Pointe Blvd. Volunteers will prepare crafts for library programs, pick up and clean up, sort books, and more. No need to sign up. Meet 10:30-11:30 a.m. Oct. 1 (first Saturday, September to May) in the teen area.
Food bank volunteers: Looking for community service hours? The Snohomish Community Food Bank welcomes teen volunteers. More info:
Driven to Give: Meadowdale High School holds a Driven to Give fundraiser and block party, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 24 at the high school campus, 6002 168th St. SW, Lynnwood. Participants test-drive a luxury Lincoln vehicle from Harris Ford, which then donates $20 per test-drive to the school. Proceeds benefit arts, music and sports programs. There also will be food, music, a classic Mustang club and blood drive during the event. More info:
Friends of the Poor: The annual Friends of the Poor Walk and Run is set for 9 a.m.-noon Sept. 24 at St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, 4200 88th St. NE, Marysville. Registration is 8 a.m. Walkers, sponsors and donations welcome. Proceeds benefit Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Mary’s Parish, a nonprofit that helps those living in poverty with utility bills, ORCA transportation cards, beds and other needs. More info: Chris Floyd, 360-659-1810 or
Friendship Walk: The annual Friendship Walk, Run and Car Wash is set for Sept. 24 in Arlington. Proceeds benefit Village Community Services’ arts and music programs for disabled adults. Registration for the walk starts at 11 a.m., with 10k, 5k and 1-mile races all starting from Legion Gazebo Park, 114 N Olympic Ave. Suggested registration donation is $30. A car wash runs 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Cenex Co-Op Supply, 121 S Olympic Ave.; suggested donation is $10. More info: 360-653-7752,
Buddy Walk: The Down Syndrome Association of Snohomish County’s annual Buddy Walk is set for 2-5 p.m. Sept. 24 at Harvey Field, 9900 Airport Way, Snohomish. The national event promotes inclusion and acceptance of people with Down syndrome. Music, food trucks, carnival rides, chair massages, motorcycle and plane displays, and more. More info:
Food drive: Boy Scout Troop 192 holds a food drive for the Snohomish Community Food Bank from 4 to 6 p.m. Sept. 28 at Haggen, 1301 Avenue D. More info: 360-568-7993,
Walk to End Alzheimer’s: Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 1 for the Snohomish County Walk to End Alzheimer’s, benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association. A ceremony is at 9:30 a.m. and the 2-mile walk starts at 9:45 a.m. at the Port of Everett’s Boxcar Park, 615 13th St., Everett. More info: Katie Lamar at 206-529-3898 or;
The Binky Patrol: A group of quilters, knitters and crocheters who make “binkies” for children in traumatic situations seeks volunteers and donations of fabric, yarn or thread. Meets next on Oct. 2 (first Sunday) in Marysville. More info: 360-659-7198.
Humane Society: HappyPaws Farm Humane Society, whose shelter is at 19933 Old Burn Road in Arlington, seeks volunteers to help walk large dogs on Sunday afternoons on shelter grounds. Volunteers should be at least 18 years old and experienced with dogs. Includes friendly pit bulls. Other volunteers also are needed. More info: 360-652-5844,,
Volunteer at Habitat store: Habitat for Humanity of Snohomish County seeks volunteers to help staff its stores in Everett (2302 Broadway) and Lynnwood (16929 Highway 99, Suite 100). Shifts are for four hours between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. More info: 425-405-7770,
Hospital gift shop, Monroe: The gift shop at EvergreenHealth Monroe needs reliable volunteers to work three-hour shifts. The gift shop is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. More info: Janie,
Hospital gift shop, Everett: The nonprofit Providence General Children’s Association needs volunteers at the Providence Regional Medical Center Pacific and Colby campus gift shops for four-hour shifts, day or evening, one or more times per month. Gift shop proceeds benefit Northwest children in need. Must complete hospital volunteer forms, TB test, background check and training. More info: Maureen Welly, 425-348-9433.
Assist with equine: All Breed Equine Rez-Q in Marysville seeks a variety of volunteers. More info: 425-263-6390, 206-933-0327,
Help wildlife, Lynnwood: PAWS Wildlife Center in Lynnwood seeks volunteer wildlife care assistants. More info: or
Book sale donations: The Friends of the Edmonds Library seeks donations to its ongoing book sale, including gently used books, CDs, videos, DVDs, sheet music, magazines and computer software. Proceeds from the ongoing sale benefit the Edmonds Library and the scholarship fund. A drop box for donations is in the foyer of the library, at 650 Main St.
Eyeglasses, hearing aids: Lions Clubs are collecting used eyeglasses and hearing aids. Donations may be made at Everett Public Libraries, PUD main office and most opticians and eye doctors. More info: Everett Central Lions Club, Art Ruben at or 425-387-9256.
Hope Unlimited: Hope Unlimited includes the Stanwood Camano Incident Support chaplains. Volunteering opportunities include teaching and cooking. More info: 360-387-1512.
Health fair: A Senior Healthy Living Fair is set for 12-3 p.m. Sept. 23 at the Mill Creek YMCA, 13723 Puget Park Drive, Everett. Expert information, free health screenings and flu shots, mini lectures, fitness assessments, scam and identity theft information, financial and retirement planning, and more. More info: 425-357-3023.
Gift shop: The Carl Gipson Senior Center gift shop is open to all, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Men’s corner, Seahawks items, handmade cards, and inexpensive and nice gifts for anniversaries, baby showers, birthdays and more. The senior center is at 3025 Lombard Ave. More info: 425-257-8780.
Support groups: A peer support group meets 9:50-10:50 a.m. second and fourth Wednesdays at the Stillaguamish Senior Center, 18308 Smokey Point Blvd., Arlington. A grief support group meets 2-3 p.m. Wednesdays. More info: 360-653-4551.
Lunch, Lake Stevens: A light lunch for seniors is served at 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays at the Lake Stevens Senior Center, 2302 Soper Hill Road. Cost is $3 for members, $4 for non-members. Come early and socialize. More info: 425-335-0345.
Lunch, Granite Falls: Noon Thursdays at the Granite Falls Senior Center, 302 S Granite Ave. Cost is $3 seniors and disabled, $6 others. Penny bingo follows. More info: 360-691-7177.
Memory loss book club: An Edmonds Senior Center book club aimed at those with early stage memory loss meets fourth Mondays at the Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Cost is $5 for Edmonds Senior Center members, $10 nonmembers. More info: 425-774-5555.
Yoga: Yoga classes are held at noon Mondays, 2 p.m. Tuesdays, 10 a.m. Wednesdays, and 9 a.m. second and fourth Saturdays at the Carl Gipson Senior Center of Everett, 3025 Lombard Ave. Cost is $4 per session, billed monthly. Registration starts the last Tuesday of the month (1 p.m. by phone, 1:30 p.m. in person). Bring a yoga mat. Beginning levels and chair yoga. More info: 425-257-8780.
Health fair: The public is invited to a free health fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Snohomish Senior Center, 506 Fourth St. Over 20 vendors, flu shots, and seminars on disaster and emergency preparedness. Coffee and cookies will be served. More info: 360-568-0934.
Pet microchips: CASA, the Camano Animal Shelter, sponsors a free microchip clinic for cats and dogs, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 1 at the shelter on the corner of East Camano Drive and Can Ku Road, Camano Island. The clinic is open to all private pet owners. Cats must be over 2 pounds and arrive in a carrier. Dogs must be on a leash. More info: 360-387-1902,
MS self-help group, Edmonds: A new multiple sclerosis support group, the MS Sno-Flakes, meets for the first time 1-2:30 p.m. Oct. 27 (fourth Thursday) at Edmonds United Methodist Church, 828 Caspers St. For people with MS and their family, caregivers and friends. More info: Bill Brayer, 206-718-0894,
MS self-help group, Lynnwood: Meets 1-2:30 p.m. third Fridays in the group room at the YWCA Village, 19703 68th Ave. W., Lynnwood. More info: Sharon Todd, 360-651-9720.
MS self-help group, Marysville: Meets 10:30 a.m. to noon second Saturdays at Cascade Christian Reformed Church, 13908 51st Ave. NE. More info: Nancy Toth, 360-435-6111.
Alzheimer’s caregivers, Everett: An Alzheimer’s Association caregiver support group for unpaid care partners, family members and friends of those with memory loss meets 3-5 p.m. fourth Tuesdays in the Monte Cristo Conference Room at The Everett Clinic, 3830 Hoyt Ave. More info: Paula Townsell, 425-346-8687.
Alzheimer’s caregivers, Snohomish: An Alzheimer’s Association caregiver support group for unpaid care partners, family members and friends of those with memory loss meets 7-8:30 p.m. second Thursdays at the Snohomish Senior Center, 506 Fourth St. More info: Sheri Pemberton, 425-252-6873.
Employment Network: 10 a.m.-noon Fridays at the North Creek Presbyterian Church, 621 164th St. SE., Mill Creek. Free help with job searches, resume writing and interviewing. More info: 425-743-2386.
Head injury support group: Meets 6:30-8:30 p.m. first Tuesdays on the second floor of Swedish/Edmonds Medical Center, 21601 76th Ave. W., Edmonds. Group supports brain-incident survivors and their caregivers. More info: Lou Nash, 425-776-7264 or
Ostomy Support Group: The United Ostomy Associations of America, Snohomish County Chapter, meets 12-3 p.m. second Mondays (except July and an annual picnic in August) at the Buzz Inn restaurant, 3121 Broadway, Everett. The group’s purpose is to help in the rehabilitation of people with ostomies. More info: Cathryn, 425-610-3770.
Parkinson’s disease: A support group meets 2-4 p.m. fourth Saturdays at the Rainier Room, 1330 Rockefeller Ave., Everett. More info: 360-435-8049.
Vision Loss Support Group: A group for the blind and visually impaired meets 10 a.m. third Mondays at the Carl Gipson Senior Center of Everett, 3025 Lombard Ave. More info: 425-257-8780.
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