Dan Wickstrom of Camano Island recently was handed the title to a classic 1957 Chevrolet BelAir.
In May, while visiting the Twin City Idler’s Car Show in Stanwood with his brother and business partner, Dave Wickstrom, Dan Wickstrom purchased five tickets for the Everett-Port Gardner Rotary’s fifth annual car raffle. He won the Oct. 10 drawing, and his brother recently drove him to Everett to claim his prize. Both brothers have always had an interest in classic cars, especially ones with some get up and go.
Care for pets on Halloween
Remember that pets can be spooked on Halloween and may even become aggressive about little visitors in costumes. Keep pets away from the action and don’t feed them candy. Your cat probably won’t eat candy, but dogs may wolf it down wrapper and all. It’s not good for them.
Last-minute costume tips
The National Crime Prevention Council offers kids these tips for a safe Halloween:
* Make sure you can walk properly in your costume and are able to see clearly.
* Use makeup instead of masks.
* Eat dinner before you go trick-or-treating.
* Don’t go out alone. Bring an adult along.
* Don’t cross busy streets.
* Carry a flashlight or glow stick.
* Don’t go into strange homes.
* Don’t eat any treats until an adult checks them.
Parents should talk to their kids about how the night went, and especially discuss anything that may have troubled the child.
Finish off October with safety in mind
Remember to drive carefully Sunday afternoon and evening when trick-or-treaters are on the prowl.
Also, don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday when daylight-saving time end. And firefighters recommend that each time you change your clock, you also take the time to make sure your smoke alarm batteries are working.
Call us
If you have an item for FYI, call Kristi O’Harran at 425-339-3451. If you have a news tip or an idea for a local story, call the city desk at 425-339-3428, or e-mail newshound@ heraldnet.com.
Other numbers to call:
Everett, 425-339-3200
425-339-3470, after 4 p.m.
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