Local efforts under way to aid and support disaster relief:
Club North Star, the after-school program at North Middle School in Everett, offers a car wash from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Les Schwab tire store, 4805 Evergreen Way in Everett. Money will go to the American Red Cross disaster fund.
Buy decorated patriotic bears for $10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at Providence Everett Medical Center, 1321 Colby Ave. and 916 Pacific Ave. in Everett to support a firefighters fund. Volunteers from the Providence General Children’s Association decorated the bears with ribbons and flags.
As an expression of love for our community, Lake Stevens Assembly of God church offers a Garage Unsale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 22 at 9805 31st Place NE, just down the street from Sunnycrest Elementary School. This is a unique sale – everything is free. There will also be face painting, haircuts and balloons.
The student senate of Henry Cogswell College has announced that it is establishing an assistance fund for support of the New York police and fire departments to help their ongoing rescue and safety efforts and assist families of department members lost in the World Trade Center disaster. Disaster relief donations are being collected from 10 a.m. 6 p.m. daily in the lobbies of Cogswell College’s Peed Hall at 3002 Colby Ave. and at the Wetmore Center, 2802 Wetmore Ave., in Everett.
Children of Snohomish Preparatory School offer a rummage sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and Saturday at 302 Fourth St. in Snohomish to benefit the firefighters fund. To donate items, call 425-377-9990.
Monroe High School students placed foam cups in the perimeter fence of the school to spell “USA UNITED WE STAND” with a large American flag. Drivers who see the sign while driving on Highway 522 are honking in support.
Every child who lost a parent in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon will receive a $10,000 college scholarship bond from the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation Inc. Former Marines and members of federal law enforcement agencies formed the foundation in 1995 and have given more than $3 million to children of active-duty Marines or federal law enforcement personnel who lost their lives on active duty or died under extraordinary circumstances.
Espresso Connection stores have collected more than $3,000 for the American Red Cross.
If you would like a disaster-assistance event listed in The Herald, send information via email to newstips@heraldnet.com.