The word from:
Granite Falls High School “We are trying to get a lot of spirit this year. We’re just making sure we have a good year. This is my senior year. I want to make it the best year.”
– Lacy Durnil, senior
Lowell concert honors veterans
Third- and fourth-grade students at Lowell Elementary School, 5010 View Drive in Everett, will hold a Veterans’ Songfest at 6:30 tonight. Voters, veterans and Everett neighbors are invited to listen to the songs centered on themes of patriotism and appreciation for veterans.
‘Calling for Kids’ will call for learning funds
Northshore Public Education Foundation is starting its inaugural “Calling for Kids” phone-a-thon, dialing local homes for dollars 3-5 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 7 and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 8, 9, 15 and 16.
Money raised this school year will fund classroom needs in the Northshore School District, including science kits for elementary and junior high classes; safety equipment for high school science; specialized reading materials for each elementary school; and teacher grants encouraging opportunity, discovery and creativity.
For more information, visit, e-mail educationfoundation or call 425-489-6465.
Craft fair for Mukilteo scholarships
The 12th annual Mukilteo Craft Fair, which raises money for scholarships for local students, is set for 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday in the Voyager Middle School commons, 11711 Fourth Ave. W., in south Everett.
Nearly 70 vendors are expected to sell a range of handcrafted wares, including holiday items. A donation of 50 cents is requested for admission.
The Mukilteo School District’s employee social committee sponsors the event. Proceeds support a scholarship fund for students at Kamiak, Mariner and ACES high schools, as well as the Sno-Isle Tech Center.
Flags’ display is better late than never
Snohomish High School’s Class of 2002 donated 200 international flags to the library for display as their graduating gift.
More than two years later, the colorful additions are finally flying.
A current senior made the 3-by-5-foot flags ready for display by taking them home and ironing them one by one for community service hours, audio-visual coordinator Sam Mesman said.
When workers are done, the international flags will be arranged in a circle with a larger, U.S. flag placed prominently on a facing wall. The school’s ROTC provided information on display of the U.S. flag.
Education issues on Marysville’s agenda
The Marysville School District will have town meetings to discuss education issues with residents at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Thursday at school district headquarters, 4220 80th St. NE, Marysville.
Superintendent Larry Nyland will discuss a potential bond measure, the district’s focus on literacy and give updates on the budget and enrollment.
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