Snohomish County Vital Statistics


Paul, Sharon, 69, Everett, Sept. 2

Peterson, Jean, 82, Stanwood, Sept. 20

Petterson, Norman, 82, Tulalip, Sept. 18

Pfau, Gerald, 82, Bothell, Sept. 11

Phillips, Cheryl, 72, Everett, Sept. 12

Preston, Dorina, 86, Everett, Sept. 15

Pugh, Aubrey, 65, Shoreline, Sept. 16

Rautenberg, Carl, 91, Edmonds, Sept. 13

Riley, Jeannine, 90, Edmonds, Sept. 16

Rowley, Steven, 58, Edmonds, Sept. 14

Rydeen, Brena, 65, Langley, Sept. 20

Salomon, Jo-Anna, 50, Marysville, Sept. 14

Smith, Cathryn, 85, Arlington, Sept. 10

Sullivan, Ronald, 64, Woodinville, Sept. 11

Tarran, Burma, 59, Lake Stevens, Sept. 18

Twomey, Mariko, 48, Lynnwood, Sept. 16

Vakulchik, Galina, 67, Everett, Sept. 20

Wagner, Ruth , 85, Arlington, Sept. 15

Walterson, Blanche, 58, Stanwood, Sept. 19

Walton, Diana, 78, Bothell, Sept. 10

Ward, Alice, 94, Marysville, Sept. 13

Weaver, Bettina, 94, Edmonds, Sept. 15

Wognild, Jean, 59, Lake Stevens, Sept. 18

Yim, Ho, 47, Mukilteo, Sept. 15

Harringon, Agapita, 79, Everett, Sept. 19

Abbey-Thatcher, Shirley, 72, Lynnwood, Sept. 20

Ainsworth, Richard, 82, Camano Island, Sept. 27

Allen, Barbara, 73, Everett, Sept. 22

Altonen, Kathleen, 66, Everett, Sept. 15

Anderson, Larry, 70, Marysville, Sept. 24

Bergram, Darrell, 79, Camano Island, Sept. 23

Blais, Rose, 68, Lake Stevens, Sept. 22

Bondurant, Eileen, 95, Everett, Sept. 26

Brown, William, 73, Snohomish, Sept. 21

Bruner, Ann, 65, Marysville, Sept. 22

Carrabba, William, 85, Arlington, Sept. 22

Carter, Robert, 74, Mukilteo, Sept. 8

Coble, Jr, Wurth, 88, Everett, Sept. 22

Connor, Ernest, 90, Snohomish, Sept. 18

Cooper, Jr, Porter, 66, Tulalip, Sept. 21

Craig, Stepen, 65, Everett, Sept. 22

Cubbin, Frances, 90, Edmonds, Sept. 23

Cyr, Robert, 67, Everett, Sept. 23

Davis, Brian, 47, Bothell, Sept. 3

Dawson, Joan, 87, Mill Creek, Sept. 17

Delao, Sharon, 77, Snohomish, Sept. 23

Donahue, Michelle, 62, Everett, Sept. 19

Dubarry, Barbara, 83, Marysville, Sept. 21

Dunphy, Hilda, 85, Lynnwood, Sept. 23

Edwards, James, 59, Snohomish, Sept. 25

Epperson, Randall, 67, Edmonds, Sept. 23

Evans, Sharon, 81, Anacortes, Sept. 26

Farley, Frankie, 91, Mountlake Terrace, Sept. 15

Fritzinger, Susan, 69, Everett, Sept. 22

Frost, Jesse, 94, Redmond, Sept. 8

Fuller, Freda, 80, Snohomish, Sept. 24

Gibbons, Scott, 58, Edmonds, Sept. 17

Gilbert, Norma, 91, Monroe, Sept. 14

Gustaveson, Joyce, 79, Lake Stevens, Sept. 21

Hamlin, Louis, 81, Everett, Sept. 22

Hansen, Helen, 87, Arlington, Sept. 24

Heirut, Margaretta, 64, Everett, Sept. 21

Hollingshead, Brandon, 28, Mountlake Terrace, Sept. 20

Hoult, John, 89, Lake Stevens, Sept. 22

Jensen, Robert, 90, Mountlake Terrace, Sept. 20

Kemp, Gary, 78, Lynnwood, Sept. 20

Kibbey, Jr, Bryan, 67, Lynnwood, Sept. 22

Killian, Carolyn, 81, Marysville, Sept. 14

Koenigs, Mary, 91, Brier, Sept. 25

Kroeze, John, 107, Arlington, Sept. 23

Lattin, Sr, George, 93, Arlington, Sept. 26

Leeman, Diana, 57, Monroe, Sept. 22

Lord, Patricia, 65, Mukilteo, Sept. 27

Love, Brynis, 78, Bothell, Sept. 27

Luce, Virginia Martha, 69, Everett, Sept. 21

Lyons, Rebecca, 45, Everett, Sept. 26

Mackner, Robert, 83, Mill Creek, Sept. 22

Macri, Kathleen, 96, Edmonds, Sept. 21

Magnuson, Richard, 77, Gold Bar, Sept. 21

Mai, Hang, 77, Everett, Sept. 28

Maxwell, Peggy, 80, Marysville, Sept. 23

McGuinn, Esther, 90, Edmonds, Sept. 20

McLain, Allen, 80, Everett, Sept. 22

Mendez Mata, Julio, 21, Monroe, Sept. 22

Morrison, Claudia, 93, Arlington, Sept. 26

Nicol, Laura, 69, Stanwood, Sept. 25

Nitz, Wade, 67, Marysville, Sept. 27

O’Brien, Thomas, 85, Edmonds, Sept. 22

Oehler, George, 85, Bothell, Sept. 3

Olin, Scott, 51, Everett, Sept. 18

Padilla, Anthony , 54, Everett, Sept. 18

Pasnow, Patricia, 79, Lynnwood, Sept. 15

Pearson, Richard, 73, Snohomish, Sept. 29

Petraborg, James, 72, Marysville, Sept. 15

Petrie, Thelara, 97, Everett, Sept. 23

Priest, Patsy, 74, Marysville, Sept. 24

Prouse, Patricia, 68, Mill Creek, Sept. 22

Queen-Davis, Darlene, 60, Arlington, Sept. 20

Reavis, Janet, 69, Stanwood, Sept. 27

Redlich, Jeanette, 86, Everett, Sept. 24

Redmond, Thomas, 61, Snohomish, Sept. 25

Robinson, Raymond, 55, Everett, Sept. 23

Salo, William, 69, Monroe, Sept. 22

Sanchez-Diaz, Jose, 20, Lynnwood, July 26

Shaw, William, 75, Oak Harbor, Sept. 25

Shillaker-Parrish, Donna, 62, Coupeville, Sept. 22

Simsons Jr., Janis, 71, Lynnwood, Sept. 26

Sparks, Dorothy, 89, Lynnwood, Sept. 21

Speed, Esther, 90, Everett, Sept. 25

Spencer, Doreen, 94, Lynnwood, Sept. 22

Stacey, James, 77, Everett, Sept. 23

Streckenbach, Broch, 30, Lake Forest Park, Sept. 21

Tarr , Richard, 85, Clinton, Sept. 23

Taylor, Donald, 80, Oak Harbor, Sept. 26

Tyler, Jasper, 80, Snohomish, Sept. 23

Van Tassel, Jacquelyn, 71, Camano Island, Sept. 26

Wegner, Kathleen, 84, Kirkland, Sept. 11

Wolff, Hildebard, 83, Everett, Sept. 19

Woods, Jerry, 68, Lake Stevens, Sept. 27

Wright, Sandra, 79, Bothell, Sept. 24

Young, Eloise, 94, Mill Creek, Sept. 24

Zimmerman, Charlotte, 86, Edmonds, Sept. 4


Queline Eddy and Randy Eddy

Shannon Kelley and Paul Kolash

Mark Wagner and Dina Wagner

Douglas Knapp and Dawn Knapp

Dominick Wernicke and Rebekah Wernicke

Leslie Hays III and Makesha Hays

Peter Mazzone and Amy Mazzone

Edward Toscano and Marissa Toscano

John Younce and Raegan Moyer

Sarah Koehler and William Koehler Jr

Mary Thomas and James Thomas

Alison Vail and Erik Vail

James Dahl and Jodee Dahl

Olivia Wilson and Christopher Leblanc

Jenaida Duplon and Marc Duplon

Barry Thompson and Jimee Thompson

Samuel Kiilsgaard and Dalene Barber

Vi Thuy Pham Vs Cuong A Ly

Miles Edmond Williams and Erma Louise Williams

Caroline Anyango Okello and Michael Nyagwa Aoll

Jeanette Boyer Vs Joel Boyer

Melissa Colleen Cutler Vs Marcus Keith Adams

Steven Paul Werden Vs Sarah Anntonette Werden

Sung Ho Kim and Tina E. Um

Chelsea Leefendall and Brent W Lee Fendall

Kristen Irene Nieman Vs Robert Wayne Nieman

Anthony A Hargrove and Danielle Kathleen Percival

Marriage Licenses

Mondine Jason Paul and Costello Kathleen

Sadis Sam Shaya and Preder Danielle Marie

Tower Megan Marie and Tasakos Gino Sutton

Bredice Lindsey Lou and English Jesse John-Paul

Woodward Tyler Ron and Clevenger Laura Sarah

Clark Lauren Michelle and Hendrickson Adam Michael

Talbot Kim Patrick and Kuest Shannen Mariah

Parsons Dane Christopher and Brandt Amanda Jean

Mcjannet Alicia Rose and Stevens-Wajda Yorik

Green Stevin Tylor and Brock Anderson Haili Jean

Santos Peregrina Victoria and Lopez-Rodriguez Jose Guadalupe

Vadym Sidletskyy and Nataliia Kolos

Hinze Lexie Ann and Lao Brian Huy

Willey Eric Robert and Houser Sarah Rachel

Brunner Joshua Nicholas and Rodenhizer Scott Patrick

Yarno David Lee and Jamerson James Harold

Abou-Zaki Hassib Ghassan and Abou Dargham Eva Fadwa

Thompson Jawahn Rasheid and Mackey Kendra Azalia

Ellrodt Andrew Bishop and Muehlenbein Carmen Ashley

Arredondo Emmanuel Lameko and Ness Alyssa Rene

Tirtosupono Yogi Dharma and Windiarti Herlanda

Alonso Javier and Herrera Mendez Irene

Rosario Garcia Serapio and Alvarez Rafael Ana Gabriela

Platt Timothy Leon and Rivera Agbo Azalea Theresa E

Steffensmeier Brea Anna and Hovik Cameron Thomas

Mclean Hailey Marie and Williams Malcolm Royce

Scott Timothy C and Jalandra Nnykka May Gallo

Erickson Steven Allen and Huo Guiying

Reiplinger Khrystyan Michelle and Whittemore David Michael

Roy Jonathan and Cacayorin Jane Atendido

Bassi Gurpreet Singh and Kaur Rajwant

Lewis Kathleen Denay and Martin Alicia June

Fatty Bambe Gassama and Saidykhan Touray

Rodriguez Franklin Amber Marie and Seguro Irvin Kelvin

Ovalle Baca Katherine Judith and Coronado Quispe Marco Antonio

Theel Tersia Ilene and Wheelock Garry Collin Jr

Rodriguez Amalia and Lazo Galeana Juan Jose

Hernandez Nataly Jassatte and Zavalza Lepe Jose Luis

Hall Edelyn Gutierrez and Evans Monroe Scott

Carpenter Cathryn Elizabeth and Springer Kelly Lamoine

Timm Bruce Raymond and Pham Jessica Hanh

Heller Adam Scott and Rocha Anette Fay

Soreng Chelsea Rose and Tsay Jay

Jones Shaquille Capone and Clay Dondreion Richane

Harris Michael Scott and Richardson Cassandra Elizabeth

Humes Amber Lynn and Lee Brian James

Drury Taylor Anthony and Wilson Mariah Chante

Kyrylovych Sergey V and Korol Vita Mykhaylovna

White Shaun Michael and Jensen Kelsey Marie

Bahandari Houshang and Ghavi Leila

Badger Terry Floyd and White Melanie Ann

Garcia Tina Christin and Sanchez-Gutierrez Gabriel

Akers Mykle Cole and Law Amy Elizabeth

Johnson Jenna Christina and Hand Seth Donald

Vega Gabriela and Bors Adrian

Chalmers Catherine Marie and Clark Nina Joyce

Raymond Shawn Michael and Amoy Ma Lorena Galope

James Emmett Junior and Woods Billie Jean

Coffey Kathy Christine and Dewitte Daniel Charles

Najar Arkan Merdan and Miranda Elaine Cristina

Shakler Akenathan Abdul and Charles Juliette

Leites Scola Maria Gimena and Rojas Carrasco Jose Lenin

Padilla Felix Irrael and Robins Megan Dianne

Moore Christopher Joseph and Strong Jessica Dawn

Ro James and Lee Yunkyung

Garrett Jordan Isaiah and Klesick Alaina Joy

Black Heather Colleen and Fritsch John Steven

Lim Byeong Min and Keen Tanya Nicole

Yeruultuvshin Anudari and Tsolmon Azaa

Gran Sara Louise and Waldron Evan Pierce

Aislingeach Caera Caban and Blackann Jami Lynn

Rogers Gary Lee and Smith Mckynzi Christine

Marcucci Cissilea Ann and Blanken Codi Michael

Dmitriev Casey Allen and Pearson Christianna Elizabeth Marie

Lytle Mark Dean and Amsbury Kayla Melissa

Berwald Amanda Danielle and Turpen Myles Dean

Danitschek Ashton Christine and Blake Austin Nathaniel

Lonero Nicholas Michael and Tran Trang Phuong Minh

Zahina Jared David and Lomakin Marina

Arteaga Yovana and Solorio Trujillo Marco Antonio

Miller Brandon Lee and Smith Rebecca Nicole

Stanton Christopher James and Moore Mellina Lee

Roman Monica and Hunter Shane Anthony

Wallace Matthew Levi and Flaucher Abby Lynn

Stowell David Lee and Free Phoenix Arias

Lewis James Matthew and Farmer Miranda Josie-Rose

Tablada Juan Carlos and Schlund Vanessa Marie

Mason Amber Marie and Fisher Trever Nmn

Brody David Louis and Terwisscha Lisa Renae

Stormo Scott Michael and Wilkinson Amber Topaz

Chen Huihui and Zhang Yiqun

Jewell Jacob Paschal and Gray Kylee Michelle

Easterson Noah Aaron and Lollar Ashley Nicole

Smedley Austin Douglas and Jackson Negeen Marley

Zientara Sharon Elaine and Allen Jonathan Truett

Brengman Evan Robert and Mintken Rachele Claire

Reed Amber Lee and Mendez Armando Meta

Nash Anthony Micheal and Church Hanna Lee

Tabert Gottfried and Jordan Suzanne Marie

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