Herald staff
OLYMPIA — Workers laid off from their jobs can now take advantage of Washington state’s digital government to file unemployment claims on the Internet.
The Web site will allow claimants to use personal computers from their home, the library or any other location where they can access the Internet. Clients can file claims 24 hours a day, seven days a week at www.go2ui.com.
State officials say they expect the Internet process to relieve pressure on the telephone claims system.
Aluminum production cut: Goldendale Northwest officials said Tuesday that soaring prices in Western electricity markets will force the company to scale back aluminum production at plants in Goldendale and The Dalles, Ore., by 40 percent to keep from losing money. Workers will be shifted to other jobs or offered benefits and retraining programs if they choose to leave, said Chief Executive Officer Brett Wilcox. No forced layoffs are planned.
Tuesday’s prices: Gold sold for $272.10 a troy ounce, silver for $4.935 and platinum for $580.70.
Merger rules change: Federal regulators want to make it harder for railroads to merge and announced a set of new rules Tuesday to govern such combinations. The rules now will be open to public comment and could take effect by next summer. Board Chairwoman Linda Morgan said the new rules will require merger applicants to show that the transaction would increase competition and will require much more accountability with respect to claimed benefits and service.