Herald staff
HOUSTON — United Airlines increased domestic business fares Friday by as much as $100 each way.
Continental Airlines and American Airlines quickly matched the United move, which boosted fares for one-way tickets purchased fewer than three days before the flight by $50 for trips of less than 1,500 miles and $100 for flights 1,500 miles or more.
Other carriers, including Minneapolis-based Northwest Airlines and St. Louis-based Trans World Airlines, were reviewing the boosts. Typically, if one of the major airlines doesn’t go along with the hike, the increase won’t stick.
Turbo chips: Intel Corp. will introduce its long-awaited turbocharged Pentium 4 chip Monday, reclaiming the title from rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. as the maker of the fastest chip in the personal computer market. Major PC manufacturers are expected to start releasing products next week using two versions of the Pentium 4 chip, one that runs at 1.4 gigahertz and another at 1.5 gigahertz.
Amazon workers consider unionizing: Groups of Amazon.com workers across the country are trying to unionize, hoping the threat of disruptions during the holidays will persuade the Internet retail giant to grant their demands for a contract. The Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, an affiliate of the Communications Workers of America, is trying to recruit 400 customer service representatives in the Seattle area, while the United Food and Commercial Workers and a small nonprofit called the Prewitt Organizing Fund are targeting employees at Amazon’s eight distribution warehouses.
Friday’s prices: Gold sold for $265.25 a troy ounce, silver sold for $4.69 and platinum sold for $585.50.