Supporters of Tim Eyman have taken a cue from their exalted leader. Accept no responsibility, offer no solutions and blame anyone who does. Doug McLaughlin’s defense of Eyman’s “initiatives for profit” business and his latest tantrum, Initiative 747, is a case in point ( “Eyman is targeted unfairly by liberals,” Letters, Oct. 11).
Eyman’s Permanent Offense is registered as a for-profit corporation. I guess we’re supposed to believe that someone who registers to make a profit never intended to make a profit?
Now Eyman and company have targeted our fire and emergency medical services. In Snohomish County, I-747 will cut $23.5 million from our firefighters and paramedics – official figures from the Department of Revenue 2002-2007, on the Web at
Our firefighters risk their lives for us. We need to support them. Cutting millions from their budget will mean that their equipment, training and manpower needs will go unmet. That puts both them and the public at risk.
Mr. McLaughlin stated that Washington is the fifth highest taxed state in the nation. The U.S. Census Bureau rates Washington 16th in total taxes. It’s about time that both Mr. Eyman and his supporters own up to their rhetoric.
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