Living in the 1st Legislative District I have been following the campaign for representative quite closely. Tuesday’s Herald had a very interesting article by Bill Sheets where the candidates answered questions sent in by readers. These are excellent questions and covered a number of very important issues.
The answers and knowledge shown by Al O’Brien and Mark Ericks were the voice of reason. The opposition offered very little in the way of making realistic improvements which can not be solved by some very quick simple answer. It will take much working together by both Democrats and Republicans during the next session. O’Brien and Ericks will work for all the people of the 1st District. They will be concerned about every bill that is presented and will show the same concern for bills that affect any of the 49 districts.
There is a tremendous responsibility on our legislators as there are no small or unimportant bills. Every bill has an affect on someone. We need O’Brien and Ericks in Olympia.
Allen L. Wood
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