Joel Selling is the perfect candidate in the 39th District for state representative. We have the privilege of voting for a true community leader on Nov. 2. The positive changes and benefits to our community created by Joel Selling is unmatched by his opponent.
The new Monroe and Snohomish libraries were built (on time and on budget) with Joel’s support and oversight while serving as a trustee on Sno-Isle Regional Library System board. As a trustee, I’ve seen Joel in action and he thoughtfully reads policies and contracts, comprehends complex budgets and legal materials and knows how to ask the right questions to focus a discussion.
Joel Selling led the Monroe school district’s M&O levy to victory. Unpaid again, Joel co-chaired the recent Sno-Isle Regional Library levy committee to an overwhelming voter passage in two counties. Our wonderful schools and library system continues to thrive all because Joel’s commitment to community service translates directly into action and deed.
Joel Selling certainly has the skills and drive to continue to benefit our community and now the opportunity to do it an expanded way. It is time to vote for Joel Selling to be our new state representative!
Denise M. Du Pont
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