I’ve got one “up” on Mike Benbow and his column of Jan. 7, “Vehicle warranty notices after one thing: your money.”
I’ve received two cards and three “canned” phone calls about my ‘89 Ford Probe (purchased in January of ‘90) and bawling me out for ignoring their warnings about my lax attitude about a new warranty.
My Probe has weathered the last 18 years in great shape. I’ve spent very little on its upkeep, and it’s still going and going, and everything still works, including the interior light.
Maybe Ford could honor me with a new Mustang when my Probe calls it a day. (Ford doesn’t make Probes any more, so I wouldn’t feel guilty at accepting a Mustang.) At the very least, my auto should be listed in the Guinness Book of Records, alongside the companies that fail to find out how old a car is before such an extensive mail and phone campaign!
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