Blue and Gold Club, Inc., of Everett High School has once again enjoyed offering a community tail-gating party prior to EHS’ homecoming football game on Oct. 5. It was a great opportunity for students, staff, parents, alumni and community to come together for barbeque and fun.
Many thanks to the many hands that come together year after year to make this possible. Special mention goes to Tiz’s Doors, Dave Emerson and the Mukilteo Kiwanis Club, Nick Buckles and Harold Pyatt’s Everett Merchants, Robert Polk Everett School District Athletic Director and alumni from the Class of 1968 who lent hands to get the logistics done.
Great weather, great food, great fun and great school spirit were had by all.
Blue and Gold is a non-profit organization dedicated to “helping all students achieve success” and we could not do what we do for the students at EHS without help from others in the community. This past year B&G has supported programs, activities, athletics within the school by providing students with what they need to participate and excel.
Again, we wish to thank all in the community — especially our alumni who support us both financially and with their participation. Everett High celebrates a great history, one we can all be proud of and thankful for.
Go Seagulls!
Treasurer Blue and Gold Club, Inc.
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