You’ll be voting on I-960, the Taxpayer Protection Initiative, this November.
What does I-960 do?
n For a tax increase, current law requires two-thirds legislative approval.
This requirement has been on the books for 13 years thanks to voter-approved Initiative 601 and was re-enacted by the 1998 and 2005 Legislatures. So politicians have imposed on themselves the two-thirds threshold. But to get around it, politicians take tax increases off-budget, which allows them to circumvent their own law. I-960 clarifies and reinforces the law, making it clear politicians must get two-thirds legislative approval for any tax increase, whether it’s inside or outside the general fund. Voter approval of I-960 tells Olympia to stop circumventing the law.
n To get around I-601’s spending limits, the Legislature shifts money among accounts and spends the same money twice. The state Supreme Court ruled against the 2005 Legislature, saying I-601’s language made this illegal (Justice Susan Owens called it a “shell game”). Incredibly, the Legislature defended the double-counting saying I-601 did not specifically prohibit them from spending the same money twice! I-960 clarifies the law and ensures shifted money can only be spent once.
n Olympia has misused/abused/overused the “emergency clause.” By declaring a bill an “emergency,” politicians take away the citizens’ constitutionally guaranteed right to referendum. Courts have refused to limit this abuse, going so far as to OK a sports stadium as an emergency.
So I-960 sets aside two pages in the next general election’s voter pamphlet for any tax increase that is blocked from a citizen referendum, listing the tax increase’s 10-year cost, legislators who voted “yes” and “no” along with their contact information, and a non-binding advisory vote on the tax increase (unlike a referendum, there won’t be pro/con arguments in the voters pamphlet because under these circumstances, the Legislature would have already unilaterally imposed the tax and blocked a citizen referendum).
I-960 cannot stop the Legislature and governor from abusing the emergency clause, but it will make sure voters are fully informed when they do. Voter approval of I-960 tells politicians to stop declaring “emergencies” because they short-circuit the people’s rights.
n I-960 requires elected representatives, not unelected bureaucrats, to decide on fees. Currently, the Legislature routinely delegates its fee-increase authority to state agencies. That is taxation without representation. Fundamental to representative democracy is the voters’ right to unelect those whose legislative decisions we disagree with. I-960 simply requires that any fee increase, large or small, must be approved by our elected representatives in a recorded, simple majority vote. These decisions are too important and too impactful to be made by anyone other than our state elected representatives.
n I-960 provides a 21st century way for the citizens to be alerted to legislative efforts to increase taxes or fees. I-960 requires the state budget office to promptly calculate the 10-year cost to taxpayers for any revenue-raising bill. Then, for any member of the media or any citizen who signs up, they must e-mail a public press release for each legislative step of each revenue-raising bill (when the bill is introduced, set for a hearing, approved by a committee, and voted on in the House and Senate).
E-mail releases will list the 10-year cost, legislators’ sponsorship, voting records and contact information (nothing more, nothing less). Under I-960, there will never again be an under-the-radar-screen revenue-raising bill.
We have every right to know what Olympia is doing.
Voter approval for I-960 sends these clear messages to our representatives:
n Follow the laws, especially those approved by the people. You are elected to represent the people, not rule them.
n Don’t violate our state Constitution, which says with any Legislature-approved law, the people are guaranteed the right to gather signatures, put it on the ballot and let the voters decide. The referendum power deters Olympia from going over a cliff and passing laws they know to be opposed by the people. But that constitutional right is taken away every time you declare a bill an “emergency.” So stop it. Stop attaching emergency clauses to bills — every time you do, you take away and short-circuit our rights. It’s an abuse of power and repeals our constitutionally guaranteed rights. Just stop it.
n State and local governments impose and collect over $50 billion every year. Even without tax hikes, that amount increases. If prioritized, that’s more than enough.
Politicians simply cannot control themselves. Please approve I-960 and let’s remind politicians that taxpayers don’t have bottomless wallets.
Please vote yes.
Tim Eyman is co-sponsor of I-960 and heads up Voters Want More Choices, a grassroots taxpayer protection organization, 425-493-8707,,
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