Several city, county and state lawmakers and transit officials participated in the Week Without Driving challenge.
Instead of figuring out a bus route and schedule, Zip lets riders go door-to-door in the Lynnwood entertainment hub.
Readers wondered about the park and ride near Everett after seeing parking spaces broken up and trees cut down.
Crews are set to replace dozens of decades-old concrete panels between Highway 526 and Everett Avenue.
The county and state are implementing a new traffic signal system that synchronizes the corridor and adjusts to demand.
Probably not, according to a Department of Ecology spokesperson, since diesel emissions are getting “cleaner.”
Collision data showed drivers weren’t yielding to oncoming traffic, so the state changed the highway intersection signal.
Bike lanes, complete sidewalks and lower speeds are some ideas for the 3½-mile stretch between the cities.
People with disabilities are asking city and county leaders to rely on their bodies, rides and transit for seven days.
An old yellow was used in some spots between Everett and Lynnwood until the standard white paint was applied.
Luis Burbano wants infrastructure changes to reduce the frequency of window-rattling engines that rumble by his home.
Community Transit could launch other on-demand services in Arlington, Darrington and Lake Stevens.
A group representing people around Everett Station wants Sound Transit to study the idea.
Everett staff are conducting a traffic study and developing alternatives as part of the road’s scheduled road work.
Readers recently have wondered about parking rules and recourse in unincorporated areas of Snohomish County.
Company BattGenie set up a container with dozens of used electric bus batteries that charge during non-peak times.
Both options negate the spur along Airport Road to the Boeing and Paine Field area long supported by county leaders.
The state is building four roundabouts near Frontier Village to help manage traffic and improve pedestrian access.
Leafline Trail Coalition’s map has over 900 miles through King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties.
Drivers on 35th Avenue SE hoping to turn left onto Seattle Hill Road have different phasing if they’re going east or west.