Honoring veterans
VFW Post 1040 Lynnwood was among a group that recently installed 40 additional veterans bricks in Lynnwood Veterans Park, bringing the total of engraved bricks in the park to 687. This is an ongoing project to honor veterans’ service to the nation. The brick installation includes 18 bricks to the fallen heroes of the U.S. Army 81st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, which is comprised of units from all over the state of Washington. These members were killed in action on deployment to Iraq.
Census: Take 10
Census forms will hit South County residents’ mailboxes March 15. The Census Bureau encourages everyone to take 10 minutes to answer the 10 simple questions on the 2010 Census form.
During the 2000 Census, 72 percent of occupied households mailed back their forms. In 2010, the Census Bureau challenges communities to do even better. The first step is for each household to mail back their Census form by April 15.
This Census questionnaire is one of the shortest in history — just 10 questions that only take about 10 minutes to complete. Visit http://2010.census.gov/2010census/take10map/ now to see your area’s 2000 Census mail participation rate and check the site daily for updates beginning March 22.
The stakes are high; an accurate count helps to ensure that each community receives its fair share of federal funding. This funding includes resources for services, such as health care, education, and roads.
Vehicles for charities
Community Transit is offering vehicles for groups to help meet community transportation needs through its Van GO project. Vanpool vans, paratransit mini-buses or staff service vehicles, earmarked for surplus after their useful life, are granted through a competitive process. Twelve surplus vehicles are available to be granted this year to non-profit organizations and agencies with 501(c)3 status that serve residents of the CT service area.
Applications and more details about the Van GO program are available at www.communitytransit.org/vango. Submission deadline is April 30.
A special workshop for Van GO applicants will be held at 11 a.m. April 1 in the Community Transit Board Room, 7100 Hardeson Road, Everett. Vehicles will be available for inspection at that time.
Questions about the program should be directed to vango@commtrans.org or 425-348-7185.
Federal dollars for transit center
Surface improvements at Community Transit’s parking lot at the Mountlake Terrace Transit Center will be made thanks to the federal government.
The lot, outside of the garage, will be closed during the resurfacing work. All cars will need to park in the transit center’s parking garage. Work will begin March 22 and last for two months. All bus stops and shelters, including the regular University District service platform adjacent to the work area, will be open.
The total project cost is $425,000, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This was the only transit project selected for Federal Highway Administration stimulus funding.
When work is complete, the transit center will have room for nearly 900 vehicles. The project was built for transit growth and some of that will come in 2011 when Sound Transit opens its I-5 flyer stop, which is under construction in the freeway median west of the transit center. A pedestrian bridge will connect the parking garage with the flyer stop when it opens next year.
Applications open for tourism funds
Snohomish County is accepting applications for marketing projects that develop and promote tourism in the county. Deadline for applications is 5 p.m. April 26.
Money is awarded from revenue collected from hotel and motel room rentals in Snohomish County.
Funds will be available in July and will be awarded on a competitive basis. Historically, individual project allocation has averaged about $5,000.
The Snohomish County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will review applications and make recommendations to the Snohomish County Executive and County Council for final approval.
Applications are available through the Office of Economic Development at 3000 Rockefeller Ave., M/S #411, Everett.
For more information on the program, contact Wendy Becker at 425-388-3186 or wendy.becker@snoco.org.
Council awards funds
Mountlake Terrace City Council allocated nearly $25,000 in Lodging Tax Funds to non-profit organizations to help fund tourism related events and programs in 2010. Funded projects include: Tour de Terrace at $20,699.81, Arts of the Terrace at $1,500, and the Snohomish County Tourism Bureau dues at $2,680. The City Council approved their recommendation by a 6-0 vote at the March 1 meeting.
Lodging tax funds are derived from the hotel-motel taxes collected by the city’s only hotel, Studio 6. The funds must be used toward the operational or promotional expenditures of programs that promote overnight stays in the city.
Online resources for energy tips
Snohomish County Public Utility District is using Web site videos to talk about energy issues. More than 50 videos are available online giving energy saving tips, green energy information, electrical safety and tidal energy. One pieces, “Conservation Sensation Animation,” promotes energy conservation measures, including compact fluorescent lights and use of programmable thermostats.
To view the videos, visit the PUD Web site at www.snopud.com (click on PUD Videos) or www.youtube.com/snopud.
Good deeds
• Adopted and foster children and their families are offered discounted rates and scholarships at Carter’s Karate and Fitness Academy in Edmonds. As a newly adoptive mother, owner Misha Carter is sensitive to the needs of these children and their families desiring to improve themselves through martial arts.
• Lynnwood’s Accent of Appearances hair styling salon collects gently used styling appliances for area women’s shelters. To further these efforts, owner Jody Lende is hosting Blow-Dry and Styling Classes encouraging additional donations while offering discounts on new styling tools. Attendees will have a complimentary shampoo and conditioning plus a scalp treatment, and then will blow dry and style their own hair under the watchful eye of a stylist, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Saturday, March 20. Call 425.776.1013 or visit www.accentonappearances.com for more information.
• TOP Food &Drug is leading efforts to raise funds for MS research. Until March 16 the stores, including the Edmonds location, will be selling MS Sneakers for a $1 donation each. The paper sneakers can be customized with the donor’s name, a personal message or a name to honor someone living with MS. Reusable MS totes are also available for $1.99 with all proceeds going directly to the MS Society.
Sample South County
Sip, sample and savor the finest selection of food, wine and beer at Sample South County, a local food and beverage expo, 4 – 9 p.m., April 14 at the Lynnwood Convention Center.
The event, hosted by the South Snohomish County Chamber of Commerce, will feature 17 local restaurants offering signature menu items.
Cost is $25 per person. To register in advance, visit www.smaplesouthcounty.com, www.s2c3.com, call 425-774-0507 or e-mail info@s2c3.com.
Public service
The Edmonds Cemetery Board is seeking volunteers to fill two alternate positions. The board consists of seven non-paid volunteers and two alternates serving four-year terms.
Applications and information are available at the City Hall lobby reception area or by calling 425-771-0247. Completed applications can be dropped off in the lobby of City Hall or mailed to the Office of the Mayor, attention Edmonds Cemetery Board, 121 Fifth Ave. N, Edmonds, WA 98020 no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 15.
Get council’s ear
Edmonds councilwomen Diane Buckshnis and Adrienne Fraley-Monillas are holding monthly Town Hall meetings to hear citizens’ thoughts and ideas on city matters the last Thursday of each month at Prestige Care and Rehabilitation of Edmonds, 21008 76the Ave. W, Edmonds.
Business news
• South Snohomish County Chamber of Commerce Good Morning South County networking breakfast, March 19. Lynnwood Convention Center, 7:15 – 9 a.m. Registration is $25/$35. For more information call 425-774-0507 x11 or info@s2c3.com.
• Mountlake Terrace Business Association meeting 11:30 a.m., March 17. The Creekside Church, 7011 226th Pl. SW. Lunch is $7.
• The Greater Edmonds Chamber of Commerce’s networking breakfast is held every Wednesday morning, 7:30 a.m. at Fairwinds-Brighton Court, 6520 196th St. SW, Lynnwood. The event is free to attend. Breakfast can be ordered for $8. For more information, call 425-670-1496.
• Mill Creek Business Association, March 16, Mill Creek City Hall. For more information, contact Bridget at 425-385-2501.
Service organizations
Edmonds Kiwanis Club, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. South County Senior Center, Edmonds.
Public meeting schedule
Alderwood Water District Board of Commissioners, 5 p.m., March 15, 3626 156 St. SW, Lynnwood.
Snohomish County Fire District 1 Board of Commissioners, 7 p.m. March 16, 12425 Meridian Ave., Everett. 425-551-1243.
Snohomish County Public Facilities District, 3 – 5 p.m., March 18, 3000 Rockefeller Ave., 3rd Floor Willis Tucker Room, Everett.
Snohomish County Public Utility District, Commission Meeting, 9 a.m. March 16, 2320 California St., Everett.
Community Transit Citizens’ Advisory Committee discussion, 7:30 p.m., March 17, Lake Stevens School District Administration Bldg. 12309 22nd St. NE, Lake Stevens.
City Council, 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 16, Council Chambers, 250 Fifth Ave. N. On the agenda: public comment on budget cuts. Broadcast on Channel 21 at noon and 7 p.m. the following Wednesday, noon on Friday and Monday.
Port of Edmonds, 7 p.m. March 22, 336 Admiral Way.
Hearing Examiner, 3 p.m. March 18, Council Chambers 250 Fifth Ave. N.
Cemetery Board, 4 p.m. March 18, Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St.
Library Board, 6 p.m. March 15, library conference room, 650 Main St.
Historic Preservation Commission, 4:30 p.m. March 11, Brackett Room, 3rd floor, City Hall, 121 Fifth Ave. N.
Sister City Commission, 7 p.m. March 22, Edmonds Library Plaza Room, 700 Main St.
Economic Development Commission, March 17, 6 p.m. Brackett Room, City Hall, 121 Fifth Ave. N.
Lynnwood City Council, 7 p.m. March 22, Council Chambers, 19100 44th Ave. W. Broadcast on Comcast Channel 28, 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays and 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. Sundays. 425-670-5000.
Planning Commission, 7 p.m. March 25, City Hall Council Chambers, 19100 44th Ave. W.
Historical Commission, 7 p.m. March 16, City Hall Conference Rooms, 19100 44th Ave. W.
Tourism Advisory Committee, 7:30-9 a.m. March 11, City Hall Conference Rooms, 19100 44th Ave. W.
City Council, 7 p.m. March 15, Council Chambers, 6100 219th St. SW, Suite 200. Audio available at www.cityofmlt.com/cityServices/cityCouncil/councilMeetings.htm
Arts Advisory Commission, 7 p.m. March 16, Recreation Pavilion, 5303 228th St. SW.
Library Board, 5:30 p.m. March 17, Mountlake Terrace Library, 23300 58th Ave. W.
Planning Commission, 7 p.m. March 22, City Hall, 6100 219th St. SW, Suite 200.
City Council, 6 p.m. March 23, City Hall, 15728 Main St.
Civil Service Commission, 5:30 p.m. March 11, City Hall, 15728 Main St.
Design Review Board, 5:15 p.m. March 18, City Hall, 15728 Main St.
Planning Commission, 7 p.m. March 18, City Hall, 15728 Main St.
Youth Advisory Board, 3:30 p.m. March 17, City Hall, 15728 Main St. For more information, call 425-921-5779.
City Council, 7:30 p.m. March 23, City Hall, 2901 228th St. SW.
Planning Commission, 7 p.m. March 17, Council Chambers, 2901 228th St. SW.
Town Council, 7 p.m. Monday, March 15, Town Hall, 23920 113th Place W.
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