Everyone loves a scavenger hunt and when you pair it with crisp autumn weather, plump orange pumpkins and a breathtaking garden and forest in your own backyard, well, that’s a match made in the Pacific Northwest!
Bainbridge Island to be exact.
Returning this October is the 13th annual Squash Hunt at Bloedel Reserve, a 140-acre wonder of nature on Bainbridge Island. With 23 distinct landscapes to explore, the experiential public garden and forest reserve is the perfect place for exploration and discovery, especially when there are pumpkins to be found!
“We really try to create family-friendly events and activities that engage the community in a meaningful way with the Reserve,” notes Dan Walker, Interim Director of Community Engagement, at Bloedel Reserve. “The Squash Hunt is a lot of fun, bringing families and the community together outside, exploring our beautiful grounds and maybe learning a little about the local environment at the same time.”
The squash starring in this year’s hunt were started in the spring by Bloedel Reserve’s horticulture team, led by their very own “gourd guru,” Nursery Manager Philip Bloomquist, who’s been growing award-winning vegetables since he was a youngster on the family farm. (For those who’d like a few of Bloomquist’s gourd-growing tips, check out the Reserve’s Squash Hunt history page.)
Ready for the hunt? Here’s how it works:
Book your timed entry time for the garden, then stop by the docent desk in front of the Bloedel Reserve gatehouse to pick up a map and sticky tape bracelet for the kids.
Use your map to explore the grounds in search of displays of the home-grown squash of all sizes, shapes and colors, and as you find each one, discover a treat from nature you can use to decorate your bracelet – a brand new element of the hunt this year, Walker notes.
Don’t forget to pause at the Residence to snap a photo of your family with the Reserve’s largest pumpkin – guess its weight to be entered in a draw for a choice between six gift admission passes or a complimentary Friends/Family Membership to Bloedel Reserve. While last year’s grand gourd topped out at about 650 pounds, 2020 brought two that weighed in at close to 1,000 pounds each!
And if you’re visiting on Oct. 26, dress up for Halloween and enjoy a hot cup of cider before setting off on your adventure through the gardens!
Sponsored by Cascade PBS, the Bloedel Reserve Squash hunt runs Oct. 1 to 31. Learn more and book your time to visit at bloedelreserve.org