The county project at Shinglebolt Slough hopes to collaborate with local property owners to restore former channels.
Snohomish County’s congressional delegation believes the current policy is counterproductive to clean energy goals.
A new dashboard shows where dollars are going to overburdened communities across the state.
The floodgate will drastically decrease reaction time when the Stillaguamish River jumps its banks.
The U.S. Forest Service planned to install them in 2023. Now, officials are eyeing 2026.
Community members are frustrated about power outages and a lack of communication from Puget Sound Energy.
Eliza Aronson joined the Everett newsroom this week.
A new county tool shows residents with asthma disproportionately live in neighborhoods with poor air quality.
For years, locals have begged the city to remove fish barriers in Perrinville Creek. A federal grant could help.
The Nelda Swiggett Quintet will perform “For the Birds” from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Edmonds United Methodist Church.
Snohomish County waste haulers say containers don’t need to be “dishwasher clean.” Typically, a simple rinse will do.
Rain gardens can filter stormwater runoff and improve local stream flows. Thousands of salmon could benefit.
Once cleanup is done, Edmonds could purchase the Unocal property. Advocates say land could bring salmon back to the marsh.
Neighbors complained for months about noise and dust from the site. Now DTG can only accept wood and mineral waste.
Sunnyside Village Cohousing will have 32 all-electric homes. Some residents can expect to move in next year.
On Thursday, locals lined up at Delta Plaza to experience an earthquake with the “Big Shaker” simulator.
Bloss was a regular contributor to The Daily Herald’s editorial pages. He recognized “a need for change,” a friend said.
Sound Transit has made environmental initiatives a top priority as it expands the light rail north to Snohomish County.
The National Park Service this month released reports exploring climate change’s impacts on each national park.
Locals are concerned the chemicals will seep into the Deer Creek aquifer, 40 to 50 feet below the school’s stormwater wells.