Herald Forum

Matthew Leger

Forum: Critic worried about bike trails in an suburban forest?

Rather than criticize Japanese Gulch’s mountain bikers, view them as a promoters of forest enjoyment.

Matthew Leger

Forum: Waking yard from winter slumber a wheelbarrow at a time

After days of work, it’s a delight to revel in your spring sprucing. Until a certain visitor happens by.

Forum: Better planning by PUD could have avoided rate increase

The utility’s 5.8 percent increase appears to use PSE’s 17 percent increase as cover for its rate hike.

Dan Hazen

Forum: We don’t have to be satisfied with society’s binary divisions

Your choices aren’t limited to oppressed and oppressor. Here’s how to find a fulfilling third way.

Dan Hazen

Forum: Trooper’s death stresses need to repeal cannabis law

The trooper’s death, caused by an impaired driver, should prompt lawmakers to reconsider its legalization.

Forum: Website invites ‘crowd’ to add to New Deal’s living history

The website is cataloging the art, architecture and parks built across the country during the New Deal era.

Cory Armstrong-Hoss

Sports Dad: What a parent sits with when a kid is on the field

Other fans can enjoy the game, but athletes’ parents are playing out countless scenarios in their heads.

Cory Armstrong-Hoss
Sid Roberts, mayor of Stanwood

Forum: Reliance on social media leads to antisocial outcomes

The interaction via phones and screens is easily abused and limits the context of a face-to-face talk.

Sid Roberts, mayor of Stanwood

Forum: Separation of church and state keeps us from unholy wars

Civilizations have tried the route of state religion, only to see the rise of religious persecution.

Ron Friesen

Forum: It’s great to hear when we’re right, but don’t stop there

Being right about taxes, politics, schools and more is so satisfying, but why isn’t enough to fix it all?

Ron Friesen

Forum: Keeping gazebo great idea, but who’s going to pay for it?

The Bayside Neighborhood has discussed this for three years, but the city doesn’t have the $300,000 to restore it.

Forum: Can’t Everett park accomodate gazebo and dog run?

The gazebo has its purposes, especially for the homeless, but an off-leash area is needed, too.

Forum: ‘Lights on for safety’ should be law on state highways

A bill sponsored by Sen. John Lovick would require headlights on, night and day, while driving.

Dan Hazen

Forum: How we square self-worth with our part in world’s woes

Seeing our responsibility for what’s broken isn’t about shame but accepting truth as a conviction.

Dan Hazen

Forum: Changes at Clark Park won’t fix city’s homeless crisis

Displacing from a park those who are homeless doesn’t solve the underlying and related problems.

Forum: Mutual terror has plagued Israelis, Palestians for decades

Mutual recognition of two co-existing states offers the only hope for peace for the two peoples.

Gary Noble

Forum: Edmonds schools bond, levy will prepare kids for future

The bond and levy will replace aging schools and provided needed technology and other upgrades.

Gary Noble

Forum: Snohomish district rushing plan to move 6th-grade classes

Moving the students from elementary to middle schools serves no purpose and will cause overcrowding.

Cory Armstrong

Forum: Some advice (pre-colonoscopy) looking back on 45 years

What I’ve learned so far: Keep making things. Fail. Find people to trust. Expect hardship. Begin.

Cory Armstrong
Ron Friesen

Friesen: Budget woes at Marysville schools require larger fix

The state must be responsible for all operating costs, leaving voter-approved levies for the extras.

Ron Friesen