This Aesthetic Movement table — with its ebonized finish, incised gilt decoration and flower panels — sold for $6,144.
This restored 1930s Jennings slot machine — with candy prizes for knocking it out of the park — sold for $3,840 at auction.
Nineteenth-century silversmith Samuel Kirk’s legacy lives on today because his sons and grandson followed in his footsteps.
From its medium blue color to its rough pontil mark, this hand-blown vase stays true to traditional glassmaking methods.
This example of spatterware is unique for its design and rainbow of colors, which is why it sold for $1,062 at auction.
Advising people to stop, look and listen, this old sign is more instructive than newer X-shaped railroad crossing signs.
In fact, his atypical attributes — a blue cap and total lack of garden tools — make this pottery gnome all the more valuable.
This piece’s eclectic mix of charms must say something about its former owner. Regardless, it sold for $1,206 at auction.
Delft is a type of tin-glazed earthenware pottery born in Holland. This 16th century English piece sold for $3,997 at auction.
Collectors particularly prize tiles made by early 20th century art potteries. This Wheatley piece sold for $216 at auction.
Why? Faked signatures, reused molds and imitated styles can make it unclear who actually made any given piece of glass.
Whether it is a sincere or ironic reference to tobacco as poison, this snake-shaped lighter sold for $1,599 at auction.
Days and nights are divided into units called “toki,” similar to hours in a day, except these adjust based on the season.
Regarded as magic in the 1650s, this device was refined into the more scientific sounding sciopticon by the mid-1800s.
Whatever you call it and however you use it, this birch wood cart with white enameled wheels attracted $2,650 at auction.
Whimsical, attention-grabbing bookmarks like these are both fun and practical. This set of nine sold for $130 at auction.
Kenneth Bates brought the craft out of jewelry houses and into the hands of hobbyists. This piece sold for $1,188 at auction.