This otherwise thoughtful film doesn’t care about being grounded in plausibility, and that’s a problem.
Peter Sarsgaard is excellent as an introverted man who fixes the subtle auditory sounds in people’s homes.
The film loses itself in the second half, as the plot takes a series of increasingly far-fetched turns.
It’s not “All the President’s Men,” but the compelling film tells how “we were lied into an illegal war.”
This is the time of year when the studios shelve the superheroes and roll out their Oscar-worthy films.
This sequel covers the second half of Stephen King’s novel. But it jettisons the complexity of King’s ideas.
“David Crosby: Remember My Name” doesn’t flinch from the subject’s bad behavior and prodigious drug use.
Jillian Bell leads a bright cast as a boozy, chubby New Yorker who decides marathon-running is the best way to get in shape.
The film’s premise — a cop gets calls from his murdered niece two weeks after her death — barely sustains itself.
This harrowing film tells the story of a woman who seeks vengeance in 1825 Tasmania.
A bride discovers her rich in-laws have murder in mind, but the class-warfare angle is just window dressing.
In his third go-round as Secret Service agent Mike Bannon, Gerard Butler looks like he’s having a case of the nerves.
This exuberant true tale follows a British lad who discovers the music of Bruce Springsteen, circa 1987.
The great actress seems ill at ease as a dissatisfied Seattle architect in this flat adaptation of a cartoonish novel.
This stylish, locally made existential action movie was directed by a Coupeville native.
This yarn about three mob wives circa 1978 can’t find a balance between ‘women’s lib’ and violence.
Kevin Costner used to be a huge star. These days, he voices a golden retriever in “The Art of Racing in the Rain.”
Only tangentially related to the “Fast & Furious” franchise, this one ticks every action-movie box.
It’s got an eerie, trance-inducing style. But at 70 minutes, it ends just as it’s getting going.
It’s about Leonard Cohen and his long relationship with the Norwegian woman who inspired some of his songs.