Many large port districts around the state encompass the entire county. That’s not the case in Snohomish County.
Washington’s Department of Commerce will use the federal grant to help small companies increase their export business.
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Snohomish County Auditor candidate understands the value and strength of community
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Candidates say they’ll ask for more state money, as well as transparency in district spending.
Anyone recovering from addiction is welcome at the Remedy Recovery class. The only requirement is 24 hours of sobriety.
On Wednesday, the Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the deceased as Lacey Ische, 32.
A minimum of 30 days in jail must be given to defendants convicted of three “public disorder” crimes in five years.
Marysville police were responding to reports of vehicle prowling. The woman drove away and crashed into trees.
Police say the man, who had warrants out for his arrest, fled after the non-fatal stabbing. The suspect denied stabbing or stealing.
Breaking News
The woman, 32, was suspected of second-degree assault when she crashed early Friday morning.
Freshies Friends features 11 breweries, plus a special collaboration brewed with hops grown in Marysville and Arlington.
State patrol responded to reports of a body on the right shoulder of I-5. Two lanes were closed while troopers investigated.
There was no time estimate for water to be restored at Quil Ceda Elementary or Heritage and Legacy high schools.
The affected area included Quil Ceda Elementary, as well as Heritage and Legacy high schools.
Once service is restored, Tulalip residents should boil their water for a minute before use or use bottled water.
Groundbreaking is proposed for February 2024, in a new shopping center across the street from Lake Stevens city limits.
The “three strikes” proposal sets a minimum sentence of 30 days in jail for crimes like public drug use and trespassing.
Diane Thompson pleaded guilty to manslaughter. “My home was taken, my daughters hate me and I have no money to my name,” she said.
Gravitics is building space station module prototypes to one day house space travelers and researchers.
The charging papers filed Friday reveal harrowing new details of the shootings.