Brenda Mann Harrison

Brenda Mann Harrison

Good reads for the dark and cold of winter

These stories from The Daily Herald will help you get to know your community better.


Brenda Mann Harrison

My favorite recipe to pass on to the next generation

For best results, share with everyone for a healthy community and democracy.


Brenda Mann Harrison

A gift for ourselves and our community

An investment in local journalism can have unexpected impact.


A 1999 article about Shannon Leader's family written by former Herald columnist Julie Muhlstein. (Photo provided)

Taking care of tomorrow’s news

When you support local journalism, you support our community and our democracy.

A 1999 article about Shannon Leader's family written by former Herald columnist Julie Muhlstein. (Photo provided)

How does The Daily Herald decide which stories to cover?

The Herald’s “Behind the News Stories” event celebrated local journalism — and welcomed reader questions and comments.

It’s time to celebrate and say thanks

Local journalism — and community support — will be the stars of Behind the News Stories on Oct. 24 in Edmonds.

An invitation: Join us for a conversation and a celebration.

The Herald is hosting two upcoming events - a panel discussion and a party.

Brenda Mann Harrison

Add your feedback to our Community Listening Survey

Your responses before July 28 will help us provide the local news you value.

Brenda Mann Harrison
Brenda Mann Harrison

Give the gift to support future generations: Support local journalism

Lots of questions, but with care, there could still be local news.

Brenda Mann Harrison
Brenda Mann Harrison

Herald Forum: Accessing mental health care

The Daily Herald will host a panel discussion on accessing mental health care May 31 in Snohomish.

Brenda Mann Harrison
Wet cardboard and old copies of the Herald layer the bottom of Brenda Mann Harrison's no-till garden space. (Brenda Mann Harrison / The Herald)

How is a local newspaper like a garden?

Journalism nurtures the health of Snohomish County and its residents with information that informs and connects us.

Wet cardboard and old copies of the Herald layer the bottom of Brenda Mann Harrison's no-till garden space. (Brenda Mann Harrison / The Herald)
Brenda Mann Harrison

Encounters with a tow truck driver and a dentist

The value of local journalism shows up in unexpected conversations.

Brenda Mann Harrison
Commanding Officer Meghan Bodnar is greeted by her son Grady, who hasn’t seen her in 224 days, at Naval Station Everett on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022 in Everett, Washington. (Olivia Vanni / The Herald)

Local journalism connects us

The Herald brings our community together in sometimes surprising ways.

Commanding Officer Meghan Bodnar is greeted by her son Grady, who hasn’t seen her in 224 days, at Naval Station Everett on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022 in Everett, Washington. (Olivia Vanni / The Herald)
Brenda Mann Harrison

Going after local news stories isn’t easy

A family discussion about journalism elicits a confession

Brenda Mann Harrison
Brenda Mann Harrison

Did we make a difference to you?

Tell us how local journalism had an impact on you and your community in 2022.

Brenda Mann Harrison
Brenda Mann Harrison

Join other community members in supporting local journalism

Consider investing in local news by donating to one of three journalism funds at The Daily Herald.

Brenda Mann Harrison