School districts needn’t wait for legislation to start work on policies to limit phones in class.
Bills in Olympia would require insurers to put at least 85 percent of premiums toward patient care.
Increasing pay for care workers of those with developmental disabilities can save the state money.
Monday marks the presidential inauguration and the King holiday, offering guidance on the way forward.
Adding 20 in-state tuition slots can bolster veterinarian ranks and serve animals and people.
Leading in the interim, former Everett mayor Ray Stephanson is back as a catalyst for growth.
Civic Circle, a new nonprofit, invites the public into a discussion of local government needs, taxes and tools.
And readers should stand against moves by media owners and editors to placate President-elect Trump.
Along with resolving budgets, state lawmakers should reconsider bills that warrant further review.
Among highlights and lowlights: Boeing’s struggles, light rail’s arrival and the return of orcas.
Hospitals aren’t fully complying with laws on price transparency, including three in Snohomish County.
With federal regulation likely ending, the state should bar an addictive, dangerous product.
A fiscal ‘game plan’ shows how the city can build a downtown stadium for baseball and soccer.
The leader of a state trade council is wary of the president-elect’s talk of tariffs and trade wars.
As families risk leaving money on the table, the state risks leaving well-paid jobs unfilled.
Along with potential court challenges, the state treasurer wants to make sure federal funding isn’t held up.
State lawmakers may debate a bill to adopt standard time permanently, ending the daylight time switch.