Districts are now required to provide in-person class two days a week for kids through grade 12.
While the county has low birth rates among teens, drivers here have some of the longest commute times.
Jesse Hartman was arrested in California as he tried to re-enter the country from Mexico.
Some employers are required to increase wages by $4 an hour, the city council voted Tuesday.
Eventually, a memorial is expected to be placed there to commemorate the lives lost in October 2014.
A third-part investigator is set to complete the review, the Marysville School District said Monday.
The district responded in a letter, saying the accused teens no longer have contact with their peers.
Once drafted by the New England Patriots, Ken Collins has been a coach, teacher and principal.
Superintendent Jason Thompson exited March 19. Meanwhile, a school board position may soon open.
The Snohomish County chapter of the NAACP urges the incident be investigated as a hate crime.
Anthony Garcia, 21, pleaded guilty last week to first-degree assault. He stabbed another man 30 times.
A former student, now 49, alleges Kurt Hollstein began grooming her in eighth grade. He is now on leave.
She struck the suspect, 80, in the head after knocking a knife from his hand at a mobile home park.
She reportedly was having mental health and drug-use issues, and is accused of assault and hit-and-run.
A year after it closed, the historic building is once again available to rent, with a new sprinkler system.
Multiple surgeries saved the injured woman’s life after she was stabbed in the heart and a lung.
Jean Shumate has been at the helm longer than any other superintendent in Snohomish County.