I’m asking all voters to decide if the reason they are supporting a candidate is because that candidate is fair minded and honest or if they are voting for the person because their political party, church or barbecue group is supporting that person. Many important decisions are being made in upcoming elections. One of them is about our state lawmakers from Snohomish County.
My association with Sam Low, who is running for a second term as state representative for the 39th district is through a number of situations. Whether it was at local meetings or as a Snohomish County Council member, I’ve found Sam to be communicative about pretty much any question I’ve had. When writing to him during his tenure at the state capitol, he was equally as responsive. He believes in communication with the people. He listens!
As a state representative, Sam Low has worked on several bills and was the primary sponsor on 15 bills during his first term alone, including supporting rural accessory dwelling units, an animal cruelty bill with serious consequences, plus an organ transplant vehicle bill to facilitate well-equipped vehicles and qualified personnel for life-saving purposes plus 12 others. For more information on what Sam’s goals are consult electsamlow.com/current-issues.
Let’s join together, move past party platforms and on to human platforms and help heal our country before this ship sinks. Sam works hard on behalf of all of us in all parties. Please support his re-election starting with the upcoming Aug. 6 primary.
Heather Bruce
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