Bush is the one against free speech

Snohomish County

Alderwood 7, Lynnwood


Hero (PG-13) (1:40-4) 7:15-9:45

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) (1:30-3:40) 7:30-9:50

The Cookout (PG-13) (2:30-4:50) 7:40-10

Wicker Park (PG-13) (2-4:30) 7-9:30

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (PG) (1:50-4:10) 7:05

Suspect Zero (R) (2:10-4:40) 7:20-9:40

Open Water (R) (1:15-3:15) 7:25-9:20

Alien vs. Predator (PG-13) (5:10)

Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) 9:25

Edmonds Theater


The Manchurian Candidate (R) 4-6:30-9

Everett 9


Wicker Park (PG-13) (1:30-4:20) 7:30-10:10

Paparazzi (PG-13) (12:50-3:10-5:20) 8-10:15

Vanity Fair (PG-13) (1-4) 7-10

Hero (PG-13) (1:40-4:30) 6:50-9:10

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (2-4:40) 7:40-10:05

Without a Paddle (PG-13) (1:50-4:50) 7:20-9:50

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (1:10-4:10) 7:10-9:45

Collateral (R) (12:40-3:50) 6:40-9:30

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) (1:20-3:30-5:40) 7:50-9:55

Everett Mall 3


The Cookout (PG-13) (2:15-5) 7:30-9:45

Suspect Zero (R) (2-4:30) 7-9:15

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (PG) (2:30-4:45) 7:15

Exorcist: The Beginning (R) 9:30

Galaxy 12, Monroe


Alien vs. Predator (PG-13) 12:20-2:40-5-7:20-9:35

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) 12:35-3:05-5:25-7:40-9:55

Collateral (R) 12:50-4:10-7:05-9:45

I, Robot (PG-13) 2:35-7:35

Open Water (R) 12:55-3:10-5:30-7:30-9:25

Paparazzi (PG-13) 12:45-2:50-5:10-7:25-9:40

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) 12-2:25-4:50-7:15-9:40

Suspect Zero (R) 12:30-2:45-5:05-7:25-9:45

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) 12:05-2:30-4:55-7:10-9:30

The Cookout (PG-13) 1-3-5-7:15-9:30

Exorcist: The Beginning (R) 12:15-5:10-10

Wicker Park (PG-13) 12:10-2:40-5:15-7:40-10:10

Without a Paddle (PG-13) 12:40-3-5:20-7:30-9:55

Grand Cinemas, Lynnwood


Paparazzi (PG-13) (12:10-2:10-4:20) 6:50-9

Vanity Fair (PG-13) (11:50-3) 6:10-9:15

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (12-2:20-4:40) 7-9:20

Without a Paddle (PG-13) (11:40-1:50-4:10) 6:30-8:50

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (11:30-2-4:30) 7:15-9:40

Garden State (R) (12:20-2:40-5) 7:30-9:50

Collateral (R) (12:30-3:10) 6:40-9:30

The Manchurian Candidate (R) (12:40-3:30) 6:20-9:10

Marysville 14


Paparazzi (PG-13) (2-4:50) 7:05-9:20

Wicker Park (PG-13) (1-4:25) 7:25-10:10

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (1:50-5) 7:45-10:30

Hero (PG-13) (1:40-4:10) 7:50-10:25

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (PG) (1-4:30) 7

Suspect Zero (R) (1:55-4:35) 7:20-9:45

Exorcist: The Beginning (R) (4:15) 6:55-9:35

Open Water (R) 9:30

Without a Paddle (PG-13) (1:25-4:20) 7:35-10:20

Alien vs. Predator (PG-13) (1:15-3:55) 7:30-10:05

Yu-Gi-Oh (PG) (1:30)

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (1:05-3:50) 6:40-9:25

Collateral (R) (1:20-4:05) 7:10-9:55

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) (1:35-4:45) 7:15-10

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) (1:45-4:40) 7:40-10:15

Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) (1:10-4) 6:50-9:50

Mountlake 9


Hero (PG-13) (2:30-5) 7:40-10

Wicker Park (PG-13) (1:20-3:50) 6:40-9:10

Paparazzi (PG-13) (1:50-4:20) 7-9:20

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) (1:40-4) 6:30-9

Collateral (R) (1:30-4:10) 6:50-9:30

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (2:20-4:50) 7:30-9:50

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (2:10-4:40) 7:20-9:55

Without a Paddle (PG-13) (2:40-5:10) 7:50-10:10

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) (2-4:30) 7:10-9:40

Olympic Theater, Arlington


The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) 2-5

Collateral (R) 7:30

Puget Park Drive-In, Everett


Box office opens 8 p.m., shows at dusk.

Without a Paddle (PG-13) w/

Shrek 2 (PG)

Stanwood Cinemas


The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) 3:30-6:50

Without a Paddle (PG-13) 2-4:15-7:15-9:30

Open Water (R) 1:50-9:10

Exorcist: The Beginning (R) 9:25

The Notebook (PG-13) 1:15-3:45-6:45

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) 2:15-4:20-7:10-9:15

Wicker Park (PG-13) 1:30-4-7-9:20

King County

Cinerama, Seattle


Collateral (R) 1-3:15-4-6:15-7-9:15-10-12:15

Crest Cinema Center, Shoreline


Shrek 2 (PG) 12:30-2:35-4:40-6:45-9

The Corporation (NR) 1:15-4:30-7:45

The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi (R) 4-9:20

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (PG) 1-4:15-7:30

Facing Windows (R) 1:30-7

Egyptian Theatre, Seattle


Intimate Strangers (R) (1:50) 4:20-7-9:30

Guild 45th Theatre, Seattle


Vanity Fair (PG-13) (12:15) 3:30-6:45-9:50

Garden State (R) (1:45) 4:30-7:15-10:05

Harvard Exit Theatre, Seattle


Mean Creek (R) (2:50) 5-7:20-9:45

Seducing Dr. Lewis (NR) (1:50) 4:20-7-9:30

Meridian 16, Seattle


Maria Full of Grace (R) (11:45-2:10-4:50) 7:50-10:15

Paparazzi (PG-13) (11:40-12:50-1:50-3-4-5:10) 6:10-7:20-8:30-9:30

The Cookout (PG-13) (12:20-2:30-4:40) 7-9:05

Wicker Park (PG-13) (11:30-12:40-2:15-3:50-5:05) 6:35-7:45-9:15-10:25

Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (R) (12-3:15) 6:30-9:50

Suspect Zero (R) (11:35-1-2-3:25-4:30-5:50) 7:10-8:20-9:35

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (12:10-2:40-5) 7:30-8:50-10

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (1:30-4:20) 7:25-10:05

The Manchurian Candidate (R) (12:30-3:30) 6:40-9:40

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) (11:50-1:10-2:20-3:40-5:20) 6:15-8-10:30

Before Sunset (R) (1:15-3:20-5:30) 7:40-9:55

Fahrenheit 9/11 (R) (11:55-2:55-5:40) 8:40

Metro Cinemas, Seattle


Danny Deckchair (PG-13) (1) 4:40-7:20-9:40

The Manchurian Candidate (R) (12:40) 3:35-6:45-9:35

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) (12:30) 2:45-5-7:30-9:45

Fahrenheit 9/11 (R) (12:50) 3:40-6:45-9:25

Maria Full of Grace (R) (1:40) 4:20-7-9:30

De-Lovely (PG-13) (1:20) 4:30-7:45

Collateral (R) (1:30) 4:10-7:10-9:50

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) (1:10) 4-6:50-9:20

Open Water (R) (12:45) 2:50-4:50-7:15-9:40

Suspect Zero (R) (1:45) 4:40-7:20-9:50

Neptune Theatre, Seattle


Hero (PG-13) (12) 2:25-4:45-7:15-9:40

Oak Tree Cinemas, Seattle


Paparazzi (PG-13) (11:45-2-4:30) 7:15-9:50

Wicker Park (PG-13) (11:30-2:10-4:45) 7:30-10:30

Vanity Fair (PG-13) (12:05-3:50) 7-10:10

Hero (PG-13) (12-2:30-5) 7:45-10:20

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (1:05-4:10) 6:45-9:20

Collateral (R) (12:35-3:30) 6:35-9:35

Pacific Place 11, Seattle


Evergreen (PG-13) 4

Vanity Fair (PG-13) 1-3:50-7-10:10

Hero (PG-13) 12:30-1:30-3-4-5:30-6:30-8-9-10:30

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (PG) 12:10-2:25-4:40-7:10

Exorcist: The Beginning (R) 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:25

Without a Paddle (PG-13) 12:20-2:45-5:10-7:40-10:05

Garden State (R) 12-2:30-5-7:30-10

Open Water (R) 1:40-3:45-6:10-8:15-10:20

Alien vs. Predator (PG-13) 9:30

Collateral (R) 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15

The Village (PG-13) 1-4:05-6:50-9:50

Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) 1:10-6:45-9:40

Seven Gables Theatre, Seattle


We Don’t Live Here Anymore (R) (2:20) 4:40-7-9:15

Uptown Cinemas, Seattle


We Don’t Live Here Anymore (R) (1-4) 7-9:30

Napoleon Dynamite (PG) (12:15-2:30-4:45) 7:30-9:45

What the —-! Do We Know?! (NR) (12:45-3:40) 6:35-9:15

Varsity Theater, Seattle


La Dolce Vita (NR) (12:40) 4:15-8

Twist (R) (2:10) 4:30-7-9:20

Festival Express (R) (12:30) 2:40-4:50-7:10-9:30

Woodinville 12


Paparazzi (PG-13) (12:50-3:10-5:30) 7:50-10:10

The Cookout (PG-13) (12:40-3-5:20) 7:40-10

Wicker Park (PG-13) (11-1:50-4:40) 7:30-10:30

Vanity Fair (PG-13) (12:20-3:40) 7-10:20

Hero (PG-13) (11:40-2:10-4:40) 7:20-9:50

Suspect Zero (R) (12:30-2:50-5:40) 8:10-10:50

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (PG) (12:10-2:30-4:50) 7:10

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (1-3:20-5:50) 8:20-11

Open Water (R) 9:30

Without a Paddle (PG-13) (1:20-4) 6:30-9:10

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (11:50-3:30) 6:40-9:20

Collateral (R) (12-3:50) 6:50-9:40

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) (11:30-2:20-5:10) 8-10:40

Island and Skagit counties

Blue Fox Drive-In, Oak Harbor


Shrek 2 (PG) 8 w/

Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) w/

Alien vs. Predator (PG-13)

Cascade Cinemas, Burlington


Paparazzi (PG-13) (1:10-3:20-5:30) 7:40-9:45

The Cookout (PG-13) (1:20-3:30-5:40) 7:50-10:10

Wicker Park (PG-13) (11:50-2:20-4:50) 7:20-9:50

Vanity Fair (PG-13) (1-4) 7-10

Hero (PG-13) (12:20-2:40-5) 8:10-10:30

Suspect Zero (R) (11:10-1:30-3:45) 6:20-8:40

SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (PG) (11:40-2:10-4:30) 7:10

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (PG-13) (12-3-5:50) 8:20-10:40

Exorcist: The Beginning (R) (11:45-4:40) 9:40

Open Water (R) (2:30) 7:30

Without a Paddle (PG-13) (11:30-1:50-4:10) 6:40-9

Alien vs. Predator (PG-13) 9:30

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) (11:05-1:40-4:15) 6:50-9:20

Collateral (R) (12:10-3:10) 6:10-8:50

The Manchurian Candidate (R) (12:50-3:40) 6:30-9:25

The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) (12:30-2:50-5:20) 8-10:20

The Clyde, Langley


Fahrenheit 9/11 (R) 6-8:30

Oak Harbor Plaza Cinema 3


Wicker Park (PG-13) 1:30-4-7-9:20

Without a Paddle (PG-13) 1:40-3:50-7:15-9:30

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (G) 1:50-4:10

Collateral (R) 6:45-9:15

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