Child was thrown away

What exactly did The Herald have in mind regarding the Dec. 10 article, “A Special Violence”? Why would you take an 11-year-old child and make him out to be a criminal? It’s no coincidence that you flavored the front page article with the child’s smiling photo there near the negatively slanted story. Of course, with a seemingly typical childhood photo as reference, the readers could ooh and aah over the innocent looking child – the alleged perpetrator of the crimes.

I especially enjoyed the quote by Hal Hodgins, the attorney for the two aides who sued the school district, “Over the years, they kept trying the same things over and over,” Hodgins said. “They did not work, and they continued to not work.”

Well, what a surprise! Something that didn’t work continued not to work. If it doesn’t work, fix it! In other words, do something else. Did anyone consider the child’s diet? Let me guess, he was given sugary treats for his good behavior, and of course we all know that hugs are not politically correct these days, so hugs would be out. What did they do for this child? Beyond, donning yellow rubber gloves, strategically moving desks and using restraints? The article goes on to say that, “His outbursts could last for more than three hours.” Three hours! What kind of educator allows a child to have a three-hour outburst? Obviously Jason Springstead’s needs were not being met. He was labeled and thrown away. This story is not “A Special Violence,” It is a special waste.

I have two autistic sons, both of which are treated with respect. They are not restrained, but re-directed. They are heard, accommodated and loved.


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