As I read my Oct. 16 Herald, I was sickened and angered to read of the torture and abuse suffered by the 5-year-old severely disabled child at the hands of a nurse hired to care for her (“Nurse admits abusing 5-year-old”).
My heart aches for the grandmother who found her granddaughter in a state of agitation after being in the care of this so-called nurse. Thank God the grandmother had the wherewithal to set up surveillance and catch this monster.
I am not so sure the prosecutor did any favors by allowing a plea. This nurse now faces an “exceptionally long” prison term of 81/2 years. What a joke! Had this case been taken to trial, a conviction could have brought a sentence of 30 years. I realize that bringing an injustice to trial in lieu of a plea saves money for the state and taxpayers, but this crime is horrific and should bring much stiffer penalties.
Information of her conviction will go before the commissioner to decide whether her license will be revoked? It should be a felony for her to ever attempt to pass herself off as a nurse, once she is released.
I urge Judge Dwyer to uphold the aggravating factors, that the crime was deliberately cruel and violating, and slap another three years onto her sentence. I then urge all lawmakers to stiffen the laws on caretaker abuse.
Abuse by nurses and caretakers happens at hospitals, private facilities and nursing homes across our nation and is particularly disturbing because of the violation of trust. The laws need to be clear: If you hurt another human being who is depending on your care, you will be put behind bars for a very long time so that you cannot hurt another.
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