How can we support a liar?

Lately there have been a few letters supporting Vice President Al Gore. To me it is incredible that someone is so blind as to support the biggest liar and lawbreaker in the government service. How can anyone believe anything Gore says when Gore can’t open his mouth without lying? Even his own party member, Sen. Ben Bradley, asked him how he expected to tell the truth as a president when he didn’t on the campaign trail.

He tells an assembly of African Americans, in an attempt to gain their sympathy and votes, that his father was not re-elected because he voted for the Civil Rights bill. Fact: every single southern Democratic senator including Sen. Gore Sr. voted against the civil rights bill in 1964.

Al Gore tells Katie Couric he was instrumental in creating the Internet, which was really established by the Defense Department when he was a school boy and Gore had nothing to do with the founding of it.

The author of “Love Story” states categorically that Gore and Tipper were not, as the Bore claims, the basis of his story. He lied about the fund-raising at the Buddhist temple. He tried to minimize about breaking the law on fund-raising from the White House. The latest false claim by Gore boggles the mind. He claims he created the United States oil reserve. Fact: President Gerald Ford created the oil reserve in 1975 and Gore did not get elected to congress until 1976. There are many, many more but not enough room here to list.

It’s bad enough to be such a congenital liar; but to tell such provable lies makes him also stupid. Gore will say or do anything to get elected and of course the biased liberal press never reports these items. For example, where is the newspaper article on how he treated his renter denying the lady and her family basic necessities and then lying to her about correcting the problems forcing her and her family to move? He acted just like a slumlord. He has flip-flopped on every major issue and usually based his stand on which way would give him the biggest advantage.

Why would anyone vote for such a clown?

Camano Island

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