Dropping off a convicted sex offender with a removable tracking device under a bridge is absolutely absurd and against any concept of care for the original and subsequent victims.
This can be remedied with two conditions of release.
First, any criminal up for release has to have a concrete address where they can be contacted. Prior to release start with the question: “Where are you going to live?” There are two easy choices: the criminal’s legitimate traceable address, or if they cannot provide it, a continued term in state prison. Unless convicted sex offenders can provide a legal and legitimate address where they live, they must be committed to their present address, the Washington state prison system, or they will abuse other victims.
The second situation is providing a solid system of tracking criminals. We need to institute a system that cannot be removed unless the criminal commits self-surgery. Sex offenders should be implanted with devices. If they choose to remove those devices we would immediately be aware of the fact due to their appearance in the emergency room.
It is about time we decide who is more important, the victim or the career criminal.
Ken George
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