Remember dogs’ pack mentality

When will people realize that it only takes two dogs to form a pack? Even the most docile of family pets can revert very quickly to the pack mentality of their ancestors when tantalized by the chase of prey. Several years ago a neighbor’s Samoyed and Lab mix got loose and attacked my daughter’s 4-H rabbits, chewing off their feet through the wire mesh of their cages.

We called the dogs off and coaxed them to us so we could catch them. As they calmed down and regained their senses they came to us with tails wagging. The owners were appalled that their sweet dogs could have done this. Many of the rabbits had to be put down and the dog owners paid my daughter for her losses.

As horrific as this experience was, we did not consider these dogs to be vicious. They only acted as their age-old instinct dictated. Dog owners must be diligent in confining their pets. If the German shepherd and bull mastiff had been kept in a secure place, they and the llamas would still be enjoying life.

My dog lives in the house and is strictly supervised when outside. He is trained in obedience and agility and holds advanced titles in each. Yet I am watchful when my young grandsons visit and always keep in mind that he descends from the family of wolves.


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