I appreciate Dave Somers’ leadership as chairman of the Snohomish County Council and his dedication to serving the public good. In particular, I value his excellent work on environmental protection and sustainable, wise land use. I commend and support his position on several issues that affect our quality of life:
A moratorium on Fully Contained Communities.
Rural Cluster Subdivisions. Much of the overdevelopment that has diminished our rural areas had been approved by previous councils (dominated at the time by current members Gossett, Koster and former members Nelson and Sievers). New rural clusters strain the roads, utility infrastructure and threaten the drinking water wells of longtime rural homeowners.
Harvey Airfield expansion. Stopping floodplain development is vital to protecting life and property values, as we have seen so dramatically in recent years, when catastrophic floods occur with ever increasing frequency. Massive filling of floodplains is inimical to proper stormwater management.
Critical Areas Ordinance. He achieved the best regulations that were possible with the previous council, which included Gossett, Koster, Nelson and Sievers.
Urban Residential Design Standards. Dave understands the need to build better urban communities. Along with Vice-Chair Mike Cooper and council member Brian Sullivan, he is working for good standards for safe, livable neighborhoods and tree retention.
Shoreline Master Plan update. This has been stalled for three years! Now Dave can get this accomplished, and completed well.
I’m glad that Dave Somers, Mike Cooper and Brian Sullivan serve on our council.
Karen Lowe
Mill Creek