The apple did not fall far from the tree. Remember “read my lips?” Remember WMDs and mushroom clouds? I have been a Christian since I was a small child and am very sensitive to the hot-button social issues Karl Rove thinks will sway my vote. The “you know where I stand” stump speeches of the president is exactly why I will not vote for him this time around.
The graft in the forms of tax breaks makes for enthusiastic crowds at Republican functions just as the earned income tax credit did for the Democrats. But the bottom line is the first casualty of war is truth, and blaming faulty intelligence for Sept. 11, 2001 and rushing us to war in Iraq is hard to swallow from a president who is the son of a former head of the CIA .
Bush says his jobs program for America is the “No Child Left Behind” act and education is the key to a brighter financial future. But for those who are struggling and already out of elementary school his only real job program seems to be pre-emptive war.
I volunteered in the early ’80s for the military when the economy was bad and considered it my duty to protect this country, just like the generations before me. When people talk about Bush being a strong leader for the march of liberty in the Middle East it looks two-faced considering his National Guard duty during Vietnam – when he could have been trying to free the Vietnamese from communism. The president also says John Kerry can run but he can’t hide. Well, when it comes to the naked truth, “the emperor has no clothes.”
Beau Barnett
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