In the last week, we have been exposed to three letters with the same theme, saying basically the same thing — Mona Charen is an idiot because she exposes the Democrats for what they are, America haters.
Under the disguise of worrying about the well-being of terrorists being interrogated, they really get to the point. They hate President Bush!
They cry and moan about taking the high ground when dealing with terrorists. We should all make nice, because the rest of the world is looking on and they don’t like us.
This time in history is unlike anything we have experienced; we aren’t fighting another country, there are no standing armies challenging us. These poor terrorists are the same people that killed more than 3,000 on 9/11. (For the three above mentioned letter writers, that was the attack on the World Trade Center).They will kill all of us, if given the chance. Beheading of innocents is like a walk in the park to them. They do seem to understand when given the option of dying or talking, that talking is the right thing to do.
I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks. This country has done more for freedom since its inception than any other country in history. I don’t care what we have to do to extract information from terrorists. If what we learn helps to save one American life, I’m all for it.
I wonder if the families of people like Daniel Pearl would agree with these three.
Ken Kraft
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