The constant flux in blood sugar can affect (and continues to affect) many people globally. Even with the slightest variability, individuals will likely be riddled with fatigue, weakness, nausea, and feelings of anxiousness, among others. As blood sugar levels persistently fluctuate, the risk of a type 2 diabetes diagnosis is high, resulting in a dramatic effect on quality of life.
Modern-day treatment plans include lifestyle changes, medication intake, and diet compromises. Sometimes this trio isn’t even enough. For those needing an extra push, one team insists that reverting to nature might be the way to go. Will vitamins, minerals, and herbs help with this issue? The only way to find out is by looking at one such solution.
Here’s a comprehensive review of Glucogon Sugar Control.
What is Glucogon Sugar Control?
Glucogon Sugar Control is a dietary supplement intended to help people regulate their blood sugar levels. The creators assert that this supplement is an ideal addition to existing comprehensive care, as it contains all-natural ingredients that have been shown to maintain proper blood sugar levels. Moreover, each serving is believed to support normal macronutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) metabolism, balance hormones, reduce feelings of fatigue, and suppress hunger pangs and sugar cravings, among others.
These are undoubtedly a handful of benefits people can expect to experience, but to what extent do they hold? Before diving into the ingredients, it is imperative to understand how they were selected in the first place. So, next, we’ll cover the path that led the creators to the Glucogon Sugar Control formulation.
How does Glucogon Sugar Control work?
Glucogon Sugar Control appears to work in three different ways. First, it aims to improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. A person with low insulin sensitivity also suffers from insulin resistance, in which cells, tissues, and organs cannot receive signals for the insulin hormone to uptake glucose from the bloodstream. On the other hand, a person with high insulin sensitivity means that their blood sugar uptake is consistent and efficient.
Some lifestyle changes that directly influence insulin sensitivity include getting in more exercise (as it uses glucose in the blood), getting in more sleep, eating a nutritious diet (preferably fewer carbs, more unsaturated fats, and more soluble fiber), and taking dietary supplements. Second, Glucogon has been equipped with ingredients that provide antioxidant support. When the body is riddled with free radicals, it is at risk of being impacted by oxidative stress, leading to metabolic syndrome.
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Per one source, oxidative stress plays a fundamental role in diabetes complications, namely by increasing glucose flux, the production and activation of advanced glycation end products (linked to insulin resistance and inflammation), and the activation of protein kinase, among others. Finally, this formula aims to elevate digestive and metabolic efficiencies. The creators explained that as long as the digestive system is up to par, metabolic processes should work as required, increasing sugar uptake.
When a person is metabolically healthy, their body efficiently uses nutrients from food for energy, healing, and production. Else, the risk of developing diabetes is high. In this case, carbohydrates are key, as they convert into glucose for energy. Anything in excess is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles and eventually as fat. Given this information, we can now turn to the Glucogon ingredient list.
What ingredients are in Glucogon Sugar Control?
Each Glucogon Sugar Control serving contains 18 ingredients. Listed below are the ones that have been disclosed by the creators, in no particular order:
Bitter Melon
Bitter melon (or bitter gourd) is an Asian tropical vine similar to the zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber families. There are two key varieties: the Chinese and the Indian. The former is long and pale green, whereas the latter is narrower and has spikes on the rind. Despite the differences, these two share several properties. For instance, bitter melons are generally rich in vitamin C, catechin, gallic acid, epicatechin, and chlorogenic acid, all of which are antioxidants necessary for neutralizing free radicals (therefore, limiting the risk of oxidative stress).
Second, bitter melon has been demonstrated to positively affect blood sugar control. Specifically, a dose of 2,000 mg has been proven to reduce blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c levels, and fructosamine levels. Furthermore, it is believed to boost the uptake of sugar and insulin secretion, but more research is still needed. Other benefits include decreased cholesterol levels and improved weight loss efforts (since it is high in fiber).
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The juniper tree is an evergreen shrub throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Its seed cones, or berries, have been used for their medicinal properties. Regarding the nutritional profile, these berries house a rich source of vitamin C, as well as volatile oils (i.e., limonene, camphor, and beta-pinene) and coumarins, which together pack antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Traditionally, juniper berries have been considered for blood sugar regulation due to their ability to reduce blood sugar levels and increase good cholesterol.
So far, researchers have concluded that they are helpful for blood sugar because of their rich antioxidant profile. It’s also worth noting that the increase in good (and decrease in bad) cholesterol is believed to promote healthy heart function, consequently reducing the risk of heart-related diseases. Naturally, their antibacterial properties might also guard people from fungal and bacterial infections.
Yarrow Flower
Yarrow is a flowering plant with a rich history in alternative medicine. This plant has recently garnered much attention for its antibiotic, antioxidant, and antiproliferative properties. Test tube studies have reported that ingesting yarrow flower might alleviate pain during menstrual cycles, reduce acute attacks in people with multiple sclerosis, and treat irritable bowel syndrome (namely, by slowing stomach emptying and improving digestion). Another source that delved deeper into its potential benefits also listed its impact on diabetes.
In particular, studies that included mice as their subjects reported reduced blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Likewise, there is some evidence regarding its ability to promote insulin production and prevent the damaging effects of free radicals on cells. These results are attributed to two key compounds: A. wilhelmsii and A. santolina; yet, more high-quality research is needed to confirm the replicability of said results.
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Mulberries are the fruits of the mulberry trees, related to figs and breadfruit. Nutritionally, these berries predominantly contain carbohydrates and fiber (70% and 14%, respectively), followed by protein (12%) and fat (3%). Like many of the aforesaid ingredients, these berries also possess an adequate source of vitamin C. Other remarkable vitamins and minerals found per serving include vitamin E, vitamin K1, iron, and potassium, not to forget plant compounds with antioxidant properties (such as anthocyanins, cyanidins, chlorogenic acid, rutin, and myricetin).
Regarding benefits, mulberries are believed to inhibit an enzyme responsible for rapidly breaking down carbohydrates, which is believed to slow down blood sugar spikes after meals. Dubbed 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), this compound might also delay cellular death and trigger antioxidant enzyme behavior (therefore, limiting the risks of oxidative stress and inflammation). Others include lowered cholesterol levels and improved heart health. Once again, more research is needed to confirm these results in the context of human health.
Guggul is a gum resin derived from plants native to India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. This ingredient is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to treat obesity, arthritis, and inflammation. Research suggests that guggul gum may help manage and prevent Type 2 diabetes. One study shows 900 milligrams of Boswellia serrata gum resin was given to diabetics. After taking 900mg of Guggul daily for six weeks, the patients had decreased cholesterol levels and increased blood HDL levels
Guggul, in studies, offers both hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects, which can help cure type II diabetes. Other possible (yet unconfirmed) benefits include lowered cholesterol levels, weight loss results (by promoting fat loss and suppressing appetite), ensuring healthy thyroid hormone levels, and treatment of certain skin conditions, to list a few.
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Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema Sylvestre is a woody climbing shrub native to Indian, African, and Australian forests. Like guggul, this ingredient has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for various health conditions, including diabetes, malaria, and snakebites. Speaking of diabetes, gymnema sylvestre, or one of its main active compounds, gymnemic acid has been proven to reduce sugar cravings by stripping the sweetness associated with certain foods, making them less appealing. As a result, individuals might find themselves less likely to turn to sweets, avoiding those random sugar spikes.
In addition to inhibiting taste bud sweetness, gymnema sylvestre might also block receptors in the intestines to avoid sugar absorption. Said blockage will help lower post-meal blood sugar levels as well. It is important to be mindful that Gymnema alone will not suffice, but the evidence is promising as an adjunct (i.e., dose ranging between 200 and 400 mg). Other benefits include favorable insulin levels, reduced inflammation (thanks to its tannin and saponin content), improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and possible weight loss results.
Banaba Leaf
Banaba is a medium-sized tree whose leaves have been relied upon for treating diabetes in folk medicine. Besides its anti-diabetic properties, this herb boasts antioxidant, cholesterol-lowering, and weight-regulating properties. The main compounds that result in blood sugar management include corosolic acid, ellagitannins, and gallotannins. Together, this trio increases insulin sensitivity, enhances glucose uptake (by activating the GLUT4 protein), and inhibits the alpha-glucosidase enzyme (linked to digested carbs). These components are also effective against free radicals, possibly limiting the effects of oxidative stress on one’s health.
Licorice Root
Licorice root is the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, native to Western Asia and Southern Europe. In today’s society, this ingredient is predominantly used to treat heartburn, acid reflux, hot flashes, coughs, and bacterial and viral infections. Its main active compound is glycyrrhizin, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Since glycyrrhizin has adverse effects, most supplements remove this component (labels should state “deglycyrrhizinated licorice” if applicable).
Licorice root is likely to benefit people suffering from indigestion, peptic ulcers, and certain upper respiratory conditions. Although licorice root is also believed to aid with diabetes, namely by improving blood sugar levels and kidney function, these results have not been confirmed in human studies.
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Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid with antioxidant properties in the body, but it depletes with aging. Aside from its ability to neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals, ALA helps the body convert blood sugar into energy using oxygen (also known as aerobic metabolism). Consequently, individuals can anticipate regulated symptoms of diabetes, enhanced calorie burning (and, therefore, weight loss), and a reduced risk of nerve pain typically associated with diabetes, HIV, kidney failure, Lyme disease, shingles, and thyroid disease.
Furthermore, ALA might lower bad cholesterol and increase the good kind, which is believed to maintain a healthy heart. Other research areas that have yet to be confirmed with replicability and repeatability include reducing visible signs of aging and inflammatory markers and improving symptoms linked to cognitive decline.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E
By now, it should be obvious that vitamins C and E are potent antioxidants. As explained much earlier in this review, obesity, and diabetes are a result of chronic oxidative stress. By neutralizing free radicals, which would otherwise linger and cause damage to one’s DNA, this duo also helps tame inflammation in the body, another factor responsible for elevating oxidative stress and obesity markers.
Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that exists naturally in the human body and in some food groups. Unlike conventional amino acids, taurine is not involved in the protein-building process. Instead, it is a conditional essential amino acid, meaning it only becomes essential in times of illness and stress. Taurine’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are believed to improve insulin sensitivity, which, in turn, might lower the risk of diabetes and improve blood sugar levels. Studies that support the aforesaid claim are limited, but however sparse, research has led to the finding that people with diabetes have 25% lower amounts of taurine than a healthy person.
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Chromium is a trace mineral that has been considered for treating diabetes, promoting weight loss, easing symptoms of metabolic syndrome and PCOS, and lowering cholesterol levels. While some evidence surrounds these benefits, the exact mechanism is unclear, warranting further investigation. This also applies to blood sugar, even if the trace mineral might improve glucose and insulin levels, lower fasting serum glucose concentrations, and activate insulin function (avoiding insulin resistance).
Vanadium is derived from mushrooms, black pepper, certain grains, beers, and wines. It exists in two forms: vandal sulfate and vanadate, which are quite common in dietary supplements. Studies that explored the effects of vanadium on wellness found that it might improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity. These results are based on animal studies, requiring human clinical trials.
Biotin (or vitamin H) is a type of B-complex vitamin that helps the body convert food into energy. As for its impact on blood sugar management, some animal studies have reported regulated blood sugar levels and reduced risk to the kidney; however, these results are inconclusive and, therefore, should be taken with a grain of salt.
Zinc is an essential nutrient that the body requires but can neither produce nor store, so it must be consumed through a diet. This nutrient oversees more than 300 enzymes that actively aid in metabolism and digestion. Moreover, its antioxidant properties are believed to improve immune function while taming oxidative stress. Finally, some animal studies [20] have reported improvements in fasting insulin and glucose levels, but it is difficult to discern whether these results would hold true for humans.
Manganese is a mineral that makes the biggest of differences in the smallest of doses. Regarding its importance, this mineral has been shown to ensure proper brain function, the nervous system, and enzymatic systems. Interestingly, existing research suggests that people with diabetes are usually deficient in manganese, which might be part of the reason why their blood sugar levels aren’t adequate. When manganese is ingested, it might help the pancreas increase insulin production. This mineral is also high in antioxidants and may contribute to protein and amino acid digestion and utilization.
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Magnesium is the last of the minerals in Glucogon Sugar Control. Naturally, it is found in the body in large quantities and is vital for many metabolic activities and certain bodily functions. In particular, people with diabetes are more likely to have significantly low blood levels of magnesium, which in turn might explain the flux in blood sugar. Studies that looked at the effect of magnesium on blood sugar have generally reported that the mineral might enhance insulin sensitivity.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Is Glucogon Sugar Control Safe?
A. The creators of Glucogon Sugar Control assert that this formulation is safe because it is made using all-natural ingredients and has been manufactured in the USA under strict and sterile conditions. However, the supplement’s facts are nowhere to be found; therefore, individuals will have to do their due diligence before proceeding. Possible paths to take include contacting customer support or consulting a healthcare practitioner.
Q. Will Glucogon Sugar Control cause any side effects?
A. Currently, there are no reported side effects of taking Glucogon Sugar Control. However, this might vary depending on whether individuals take medications.
Q. What is the best way to take Glucogon Sugar Control?
A. To make the most of Glucogon Sugar Control, individuals should take two capsules daily with 300 ml of water.
Q. What is the estimated arrival time for Glucogon Sugar Control shipments?
A. Glucogon Sugar Control shipments should reach U.S. locations within the first 5 to 7 business days. It is unclear whether international orders are currently accepted. This might be a question for customer support.
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Q. How do I get in touch with the Glucogon customer support team?
A. The Glucogon customer support can be reached by submitting a contact at:
How much does Glucogon Sugar Control cost?
Each Glucogon Sugar Control bottle contains 60 capsules for one full month’s use. Since regulating blood sugar is a journey requiring consistency, whether it be taking supplements, watching over one’s diet, or exercising, the creators are offering Glucogon Sugar Control at three different price points:
- 1 Glucogon bottle: $98 each
- 2 Glucogon bottles: $88.50 each
- 4 Glucogon bottles: $61.25 each
Concluding Remarks
Ultimately, Glucogon Sugar Control is an all-natural dietary supplement that aims to improve insulin sensitivity, digestive and metabolic efficiencies, and antioxidant support. Each of these factors is critical to maintaining. In the first case, we must ensure that our cells, tissues, and organs efficiently use the glucose in the bloodstream.
Failing to pick up signals from the insulin hormone will leave sugar lingering in the bloodstream. While our muscles and intestines might absorb some of it, much of it might be stored as fat. The second factor is critical for the body to break down carbohydrates for energy.
Finally, the third factor is prioritized the most because it limits the risk of inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which have been shown repeatedly to induce weight gain and markers of diabetes. Our research leads us to believe that ingredients linked to antioxidant support and digestive and metabolic functions appear sound. At the same time, most blood sugar-focused ingredients also have a lot of substance. Hence, those who swear by alternative medicine might find solace in Glucogon.
Our editorial team tried investigating Glucogon more but could not find any information about the supplement’s facts. This is problematic, as the exact breakdown of each ingredient per serving has not been provided.
Glucogon is likely a proprietary blend since there are over a dozen ingredients. Even then, it’s unclear how concentrated this formula is, given the absence of transparency, it might be due to the fact that many supplement companies do not disclose their formula blend to avoid counterfeiting from other supplement companies; if you are concerned, it may be worth contacting customer support before placing an order.
In the meantime, more information on Glucogon Sugar Control can be found by visiting here >>>