Dancing with the stars at Paramount
The Seattle Astronomical Society members have planned a free monthly public star party for Saturday, Nov. 25, at Paramount Park at NE 155th Street and Eighth Avenue NE in Shoreline.
Club members will set up their telescopes just before dusk. Members of the public are encouraged to drop by and have a look at what’s in the sky. Neptune and Uranus will be well placed for viewing early in the evening. Comet SWAN will be high in the south at nightfall.
Orion rises fairly early in the evening, chasing the Pleiades and M31, the Andromeda galaxy. Poor weather will cancel the star party.
For more information, visit the Seattle Astronomical Society Web site at www.seattleastro.org, or call the information hotline at 206-523-ASTR.
And the nominee is …
The Lake Forest Park City Council is expected to decide on a new council member at the Nov. 16 meeting, after The Enterprise deadline. Four candidates were previously interviewed to fill a temporary vacancy at the Nov. 9 meeting. The nominees are: Thomas French, Stephen Plusch, Susan Reichmann and Catherine Stanford.
Mayor pro tempore Dwight Thompson will be on military leave as of Nov. 16, through the end of his current term on Dec. 31, 2007, creating the need to select an interim council member. Thompson is a colonel with the US Army Reserve and has been called to serve in Afghanistan.
Come together
The upcoming Echo Lake Neighborhood Association meeting will focus on economic development and new city programs in Shoreline. The meeting is 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 21, in the Ballinger Room of the Shoreline Conference Center, 18560 First Ave. NE.
Joe Tovar, Director of Shoreline’s Planning and Developmental Services, will discuss the town center plan, comprehensive housing strategy, and the environmentally sustainable community plan. Tom Boydell, Shoreline’s Economic Development Manger, will discuss economic progress . A Forward Shoreline representative will talk about the organization and what role it plays in economic development in Shoreline.
All who reside or work within Echo Lake boundaries (NE 185th to NE 205th Streets and Aurora Avenue N. to I-5) are invited. Call membership chair Bob Whiteley at 206-542-8789 for more information.
Expert discusses hospice care at Áegis
Áegis of Shoreline hosts registered nurse and clinical liaison for Providence Hospice of Seattle, Gail Louglin, who will present an informational seminar about hospice care from 4-5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 29 at Aegis of Shoreline,14900 First Ave. NE.
Louglin will lead a discussion and answer questions about hospice care. She will discuss what hospice can provide, how it is paid for, when people should start thinking about it, and a variety of other topics related to end of life care.
The public is welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served. RSVP by calling 206-417-9747.
Join ‘The Club’
The Shoreline Police Department is making it easier for Shoreline residents to protect themselves against car theft. The department is selling an anti-theft steering wheel device to residents at a reduced cost of $10 plus tax, or $15 plus tax for the larger truck model. The device sells for $35 or more at retail stores.
According to Shoreline Police Officer Deneese Elfenson, the Club Anti Auto Theft devise is the best police-recommended device to deter car theft and the world’s best-selling anti-theft device. “If a car thief looks inside a car and sees the club on the steering wheel, they will move on,” she said.
The Club makes vehicles undriveable by locking onto the steering wheel to prevent it from turning. It can be attached in seconds each time you park.
The Club may be purchased at the Shoreline Police Station, 1206 N. 185th St., or at the Eastside Storefront, 521 NE 165th St. 206-363-8424, or the Westside Storefront, 624 Richmond Beach Road, 206-546-3636. If you would like to purchase The Club at a storefront office, please call ahead to make sure an officer will be available. For more information about The Club program, contact Officer Elfenson at the Eastside Storefront at 206-363-8424.
Alternative-giving fair
Residents are invited to a holiday fair organized by Richmond Beach Congregational United Church of Christ from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18 at the church, 1512 NW 195th Street, Shoreline.
The fair is the place for one-stop Christmas shopping, with local vendors as well as representatives from Teen Hope, Hopelink, and other charitable organizations. Select from Guatemalan linens and clothing, locally made wooden toys, Fair Trade Christmas ornaments, calendars and more. The church youth group will be offering snacks and beverages.
For more information, call Beth Seacord at 206-778-4686.
Holiday crafts market, already
The Spartan gymnasium will be transformed into a winter wonderland of gorgeous gifts at a holiday crafts market from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18 at Spartan Recreation Center at Shoreline Center, 18560 First Ave. NE. The event is sponsored by the Shoreline Parks Department. Start your holiday shopping at the crafts market, where up to 50 juried artisans will be selling handmade crafts and wares. For more information, call 206-418-3383.
Award program for historic buildings
Historic structures in Lake Forest Park and Shoreline can now be nominated to receive recognition through the Trillium Heritage Award program. The purpose of the program is to recognize outstanding examples of historic buildings maintained in accordance with their original style.
To be eligible for an award, the home or structure must be within the museum area (between 85th and 205th Streets) and have been constructed on or before Dec. 31, 1940. The building also must be maintained in accordance with the original design. Anyone may nominate buildings, but the owner of the property must agree to the nomination.
Nomination forms can be obtained by calling the Shoreline Historical Museum at 206-542 7111. Forms also will be distributed to city halls, libraries and community centers. Nominations must be received by Sept. 15 to be considered.
$1 raffle for Safe Routes 2 School
Traffic Intersection Awareness Foundation is holding a $1 raffle. Each ticket will be entered in a raffle to win four prizes. The prizes are a custom 2005 PT GT Cruiser, a 1700cc Custom Yamaha Road Warrior, a Corbin Merlin Coupe Roadster and a Custom Recaro car seat. All four items together have a market value of more than $200,000.
An individual may enter the drawing more than once. The foundation has set a goal to raise $1 million for the TIA foundation by Dec. 20, when all winners will be announced during a Christmas dinner and auction. The raffle can be entered by purchasing a ticket during the event, or by visiting the Web site www.traffic-intersection-awareness.com.
Volunteers needed for meal program
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and the YMCA of Shoreline are co-sponsoring a weekly meal program from 5-6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. A free meal will be served at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church of Shoreline and all are welcome.
Volunteers are needed to help with the preparation and serving of the meals, especially those who possess a food handler’s permit and who have kitchen experience. Folks are also needed to help set up, serve and clean after the meal. Please contact KC Helmeid at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at 206-363-8100.
Volunteer to drive seniors to doctors
Seniors who have given up driving often feel isolated and alone, unable to participate in the life and affairs of their community. Thanks to the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Senior Shuttle, many seniors have found a wonderful solution to this problem and are able to remain independent and socially connected. Solely driven by volunteers, the van picks up seniors at their homes and brings them anywhere they need to go in the community including doctor’s offices, grocery stores and the Senior Center. Unfortunately, the days this free service is available will be reduced simply because there are not enough volunteer drivers. Volunteers are urgently needed.
Current volunteers say it’s easy to drive the van and that it’s a very rewarding way to give back to the community. It’s also a flexible opportunity – volunteers choose which four-hour shift they wish to drive but don’t have to stick to the same schedule every week. No lifting or bearing of weight is involved and drivers do not need a special driver’s license. Volunteer drivers must be over 25 years old, hold a valid driver’s license, and have no at-fault accidents during the past three years. New volunteers receive free training.
For more information, please call Senior Shuttles Manager Art Cook at 206-727-6262 or apply online at www.seniorservices.org. The Senior Shuttles are a part of Senior Services, a non-profit organization promoting the emotional, social, and physical well being of older adults in King County.
Police volunteer opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are currently open with the Shoreline Police, including storefront opportunities such as front desk customer service, court reminder calls, pawnshop coordination, statistical maps, vacation house checks, pet licensing, victim call back, false alarm tracking and neighborhood crime prevention surveys. Special background application must be completed for these positions. A brochure and application are available at the Shoreline Police Department, 1206 N. 185th St, the Police Neighborhood Center, 521 NE. 165th St, or Police Neighborhood Center, 624 NW. Richmond Beach Rd. For more information, call 206-546-6730.
Meals on Wheels available for seniors
The Meals on Wheels program provides frozen meals to homebound seniors in Shoreline who are age 60 or older. Meals on Wheels participants are also eligible to purchase liquid supplements, such as Ensure. If you would like additional information about the Shoreline Meals on Wheels program, call Charlie at 206-365-1536.
Recycle phones for Special Olympics
The Shoreline Police Department has been designated as a collection point in the partnership between Special Olympics and RMS Communications Group to recycle old or outdated cell phones. The Police Department will have collection boxes in its lobby and at city hall.
For each cell phone turned into RMS communications, a minimum of $1 will be donated to Special Olympics. RMS may donate a minimum of $1 to more than $100 per donated phone. Shoreline will participate in the recycle program through Jan. 31, 2006.
City briefs can be sent to shoreline@heraldnet.com or mailed to 4303 198th St. SW. Lynnwood, WA 98036.
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