Bodie Lee

  • Saturday, June 12, 2004 9:00pm

So now comes the end of an act in our lives. The curtain is closing on senior year as we give a final bow as high school students. We know that soon to come is the next act, but we don’t have a script or a plan. Now all we can rely on to deliver us through is improvisation based on prior experience and values. As we stand on the cliff of the present, peering off in to the endless abyss of the future, the irrefutable past lies behind us. The past, entailing our prior mistakes and successes, forms the integral essence of our current being. These pieces we must choose to take with us before we take the plunge.

What are our values that we deem important? What mistakes will we learn from or repeat? These mysteries will only be solved with the passage of time, who unpredictable as the wind, would stumble as slowly as an old man at some moments and then dash freely the next moment when you least expect it. So with the goodwill of family and friends and our own faith, we will throw our worries to the passing winds, and take the daring leap to tomorrow.

So as consolation, regardless of how capricious our nature may be, we will continue to trudge onward free of burdens of regret. Glad to live as we are. The future beckons, and we will answer.

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