This week’s area road construction
M1. Bothell
I-405/Highway 527 interchange, Bothell to Swamp Creek: widening, other work. Expect slowdowns, nighttime lane closures.
228th Street SE: widening. Alternate routes are advised.
Highway 522 between Highway 9 and Paradise Lake Road: Temporary routing until December.
I-5 and 164th Street SW interchange: widening. Expect intermittent lane closures.
156th Street SW, between Highway 99 and 35th Avenue W.: cable work. Expect lane closures.
40th Avenue W. south of 150th Street SW: Expect lane closure today and Tuesday.
35th Avenue SE between 100th and 120th Streets SE: widening. Expect lane closures.
35th Avenue SE at Highway 96 (132nd Street SE): Cable and sewer work. Expect lane closures through Nov. 17.
136th SE and 23rd, 25th and 35th avenues SE: Expect lane closures through end of year.
Highways 99 and 525 interchange: Expect slowdowns.
Admiralty Way and Gibson Road: Expect daily lane closures through October.
180th Street SE at 35th Avenue SE: fiber-optics installation. Expect daytime lane closures through end of year.
164th Street SE and Broadway Avenue: Expect daytime lane closures through October.
Elliott Road, from 102nd Avenue SE for 145 feet: Expect full road closure from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Nov 16.
Pacific Avenue, between Fulton Street and McDougall Avenue: construction of bridge over railroad. Road closed until late 2001.
Eighth Street SE and 89th Avenue SE: Expect daily lane closures through Nov. 17.
Highway 529: bridge repairs. Expect intermittent lane closures.
Highway 528, 67th to 83rd avenues NE: local traffic only.
60th Drive NE south of 83rd Place NE: Expect daytime lane closures through Dec. 13.
84th Street NE and 163rd Avenue NE: Expect lane closures through December.
Engebretson Road, 175th Avenue NE and 115th Street NE: Expect lane closures through November.
95th Avenue NE and 200 Street NE (Tveit Loop): Expect lane closures through Nov. 3.
Pass Reports: Pass condition information is available from the Department of Transportation. Call 206-368-4499 or 800-695-7623 or visit the Transportation home page,
Snohomish County roads: 425-338-3488.
State Department of Transportation: 206-440-4473.
Ferries: 888-808-7977.