Artists worried about climate change work ‘for future generations’
The ClimeTime program provides more resources to teach about climate change. And it gets kids thinking about solutions.
Outdoor education is the Glacier Peak Institute’s mission. Even for kids living in the shadow of the Cascades, it’s often their first time camping.
Composting is low-effort and high-reward: “It improves all kinds of soils, including dense and waterlogged.”
Much of our garbage is food that was still edible. Yet over 10 percent of Washingtonians don’t know where their next meal will come from.
Tax credits and discounts on electric vehicles are among many incentives to help consumers save money and the planet.
In a fight to reduce greenhouse gases, Casey Katims and staff draw a roadmap for the national organization.
As drafted, the standard seeks to improve air quality in high-pollution neighborhoods. Deadline to comment on them is Aug. 31.
What’s an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Heat pumps, advocates say. And new building codes could require them.
A bill requiring cities and counties to cut greenhouse gases failed to pass, but they’re planning to do it anyway.
Marine energy has momentum in the Northwest. Up-front costs are high, but wind, wave and tidal energy are free and boundless.
Batteries, nuclear power and electric planes are just a few of the industries that have come online here.
Slides will become more prevalent with climate change. Scientists are scrambling to prepare.
Road improvements are planned with future river flows in mind, starting with an area between Monroe and Sultan.
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Saman Shareghi is growing a food forest. His is one of several efforts across Snohomish County.
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With a focus on climate change, the Snohomish County branch wants to preserve the urban tree canopy.
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As the weather becomes more extreme, the trees that are synonymous with Washington are suffering.